what its like dating - jack grealish

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- continuously reminds you of who you 'belong to', for example at events where there's loads of people looking at you


- definitely would brag about you to all of his friends and teammates

- running over to kiss you at the gate before each game he plays

- would let you massage his head 100%, allows you to play with his hair

- neck kisses

- jealous very very easily

- bringing you home to meet his family

- refuses to let you pay

- making you a coffee or tea in the morning and bringing it up to you before he leaves for training

- can probably find some form of love mark somewhere on your body 90% of the time

- always touching you, especially when he's around other people, just to let them know you're unavailable

- watching chick flicks together because he actually enjoys them

- i feel like he's probably quiet spontaneous, like randomly springing dates on you when he has some free time

- can be such a softie, especially after a bad game

- hates arguing with you, but loves to see you mad because you 'look hot mad'

a/n: i saw this somewhere and wanted to try it, let me know what you guys think of it

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