meeting the boys - mason mount

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: you, mason and your daughter all go 'training' so she can officially meet everyone, besides having met reece, ben and declan :

Mason decided that we should bring our daughter, Evelyn, to the training grounds, she's one now and has never actually properly met some of the boys.

Obviously, she's met the Chelsea boys and Declan, but never the rest. With Jesse's daughter Hope, too, they decided they should introduce them.

Even though they're babies, they could form a friendship with each other and with their dads playing together, it surely wouldn't be a surprise if they did.

She's laying in her car seat, Mason driving us all to the training pitch, where there is plenty of other cars around.

Mason takes her out of her seat, holding her in his arm as he gets out the pram and gives it to me to hold as we go down to everyone else. 

Declan spots us first, running up the stairs to greet the baby, taking her from Mason's arms with a smile.

"Hello." He grins, ticking under her chin.

Reece and Ben follow shortly after, fussing over the familiar baby.

"Can you move off the stairs with my baby." Mason basically demands after a few minutes of them all giving her attention.

"Alright, sorry." Declan widens his eyes sarcastically, walking down the stairs.

"Carefully!" Mason shouts after him, turning back to me to take the pram from my hands.

"You're being so protective." I laugh at him.

"Of course i am, that's my baby." He takes my hand, guiding me down the stairs.

We reach the bottom, Declan still approaching everyone, we follow behind him closely, eventually reaching the team.

"Dec, pass me her." Mason says, retrieving his daughter. "This is Evelyn and i'm glad you can all meet her." He smiles, pretty awkwardly.

"Can i hold her?" Jesse asks, Mason nodding and handing her over.

He bends down, lowering himself on the floor beside Hope, his daughter.

"Hope, this is Evelyn." He smiles, tipping the baby towards her.

Me and Mason also sit on the floor to be on Hopes level, we met her before when she was smaller but she probably doesn't remember us much.

Jesse gives up Evelyn, passing her over to Marcus. Mason leans his head back on me to whisper in my ear.

"I'm nervous, what if they drop her?"

"They won't drop her." I shake my head, Mason puckers up his lips, i kiss him quickly.

"Eww." Jesse and Hope laugh with each other, Mason sits up, tickling Hope, her squealing in excitement and laughter.

Although, that doesn't take away his focus from his own little girl being passed around through all of his friends, each of them smiling down at her in awe.

"You alright, mate?" Phil asks, looking at Mason.

"Yeah." He nods, trusting that Phil can actually take care of her since he has his own children.

"How is it then? Like, how do you find being a dad?"

"Love it. Best thing ever." He smiles back up at me, still resting his head on my shoulder.

"She is gorgeous, i'll have to bring Ronnie, he will love her."

After a few times of asking, Jesse sits Hope on his lap, allowing her to hold the baby, Jesse supporting her.

The boys are told they need to do some training now, so i take responsibility of both kids, Hope happily watching the boys play and Evelyn falls asleep.

In their break, they both come over to see their children again, Ben accompanying Mason.

"She is adorable." Ben smiles down at the sleeping baby.

"She is." Mason repeats.

"You want kids, Ben?" I ask him.

"Yeah, definitely." His smile brightens. "Need to find the right person though."

"You're good looking, you'll find someone." I notice Mason's eyes on me.

"Thanks, if you ever need anyone to look after her, i'm always here." He walks off, going to get a drink most likely.

"Good looking." Mason mocks. "More than me?" He questions, sounding pretty serious.

"Don't be stupid, of course."

"I know, i just wanted to annoy you." He laughs childishly, leaning forward to plant another kiss on my lips before saying bye and running back on the pitch.

I let Hope sit on my lap, since she got quite sleepy and uncomfortable. I assume that she would've been picked up, however, i offered to take care of her and i seriously don't mind doing it.

The similarities between Jesse and Hope is crazy, they look so identical and you can tell that will appear more as she grows.

Hope starts talking to me, most of it nonsense but i try my best to stay interested and focused. We've come to the conclusion, that she wants to have a sleepover with Evelyn when she's a little bit older.

After they finish training, i take the girls back on the pitch, Hope running straight to Jesse who thanks me for taking care of her.

Evelyn wakes up now, as if on cue for her to see all the boys again.

"Do you want to hold her?" Mason asks Bukayo once realising he hasn't held her yet.

"Uh, okay. I don't want to drop her though."

"You wont, watch." Mason takes her, cradling her in his arms to demonstrate. "Be careful, though."

He takes her hesitantly, all the boys watching him adjust her in his arms, smiling once she's laying comfortably.

"I last held a baby when i was like fifteen." He says, giving himself an excuse.

"Wasn't that long ago, mate." Kyle laughs, patting him on the shoulder gently.

"Shut up." He shakes his head.

The next to take her again is Declan, definitely the one who's most comfortable, lifting her up, putting quick kisses the end of her nose, causing her to giggle slightly.

"Can you throw me in the air?" Hope asks Declan, it takes him a minute before catching on, handing the baby to Reece who now starts entertaining her.

Declan picks her up, looking at Jesse for some form of approval, he nods, signalling him that he can continue.

He throws her in the air, not too much higher than over his head, catching her again.

We stay a little longer, allowing everyone to say goodbye to her before we leave, returning back to the car.

Mason places her back in her car seat, getting back in the drivers side, placing a hand on my thigh.

"I think we should have another one." He smiles slightly, biting his bottom lip nervously.

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