traitor - christian pulisic

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: your boyfriend cheated on you so you went to chris' house for comfort :

Tears stream down your face as the situation plays in your mind, you knew he wasn't loyal however you never called it quits.

Partly because you loved the time you had spent with him, you spent your childhood together and was always convinced he was your first and last relationship.

But, for a while he's been off. Mysteriously leaving and saying he's got work or going to see a friend, you knew that it was a lie.

Chris told you it was a lie plenty of times. He told you to not trust him since he's clearly betraying you although you never listened but promised him you would eventually when the time was right.

Obviously, you can break up with someone easy as that but when you have a house together and joint bank accounts, it becomes more complicated.

Realistically, the house is probably in his name. In all honesty, you can't even remember who's name it is in but if you had to guess it's probably his.

You let out a breath, wiping your tear stained cheeks as you can see more already pooling up.

You definitely thought since you knew about his acts it wouldn't be as bad but actually visually seeing them was a different story.

A girl, on your shared couch, in your shared house, with your boyfriend.

You type a quick message to Chris, asking if it's okay if you can come over. He replies quickly, telling you that of course you can come.

He doesn't question why, you didn't tell him so it could be a shock for him to see you in this state. Ideally, nobody would ever see you in this state.

You met Chris when he moved to play for Chelsea, he asked you for directions around your area and you quickly became friends.

Which of course, your boyfriend didn't wholly agree with but you promised he was only your friend. Something he never did.

You knock on the door of Chris' house, letting yourself in before a reply, something which has become a habit for many months now.

"Hiya," he calls out, footsteps sounding closer to you.

"Hey," you mumble back weakly, voice threatening to crack and tears begging to pour.

"What's wrong?" He asks, noticing your voice and the fact pure not even facing him. "Tell me what happened."

Christian lightly takes your arm, turning you towards him. Your cheeks are painted pink and stained with dried tears, eyes bloodshot, makeup smudged.

He frowns slightly, but before asking any questions he brings you into a hug, cradling you in his arms.

"Are you okay?" He eventually questions after a moment or so.

You shake your head, unable to stop the tears pouring out from your eyes.

"Your shirt will get dirty." You point out, knowing that left over mascara will smear all over the shirt he's wearing.

"It's fine." He replies, clearly not caring. "Can you tell me what happened though?"

You nod with a sigh, letting out a breath which you were holding.

"Do you want tea? It might make you feel better."

"Doubt it. But yes, please."

Christian nods, shaking his head as he views your sad eyes. He lightly wraps an arm around your shoulder as he guides you into the kitchen.

You take a place at the counter while he begins boiling the kettle before sitting beside you.

"I'm all ears." Christian smiles softly.

"What do you want me to tell you?"

"Why you're at my house, crying. Even though i'm pretty sure i can guess why."

"He cheated." You say quickly, managing to hold the waterworks for now. "In our house, i walked straight through and saw them."

"I'm sorry," Christian pouts, leaving his seat to return to the kettle. "He's a dickhead," he chuckles slightly.

You smile, breathing some air out of your nose in a form of laughter. Christian nods his head, signalling you to follow him.

He takes you through to the living room, placing the cups down on the coffee table before hugging you again.

"You can stay with me, if you need to." Christian runs a hand through your hair.

"Thank you, i might have to. Only for a little bit."

"It's okay, you know you can stay whenever." He smiles at you, the pair of you know it's not completely abnormal for you to randomly appear at Christian's house and stay for a night.

"Do you want to just watch a movie for now?" Christian asks you, assuming you're not really up to doing much which is understandable.

"Yeah, okay."

"You can change first, i'll get you some clothes, come on." He holds out a hand for you, which you take.

Christian gives you a Chelsea top of his and some joggers, they will both be oversized but you don't really care right now.

As you get changed, you sigh, letting a tear drip as the moment replays constantly in your mind. It's like it doesn't want to give you a break from the constant reminder.

Christian smiles softly as you return back downstairs, settling in beside him.

"You pick." He offers, handing out the remote to you.

The pair of you decide on the movie, Christians arm hanging loosely around your waist as your back is against him.

"Do you want anything?" He asks you roughly halfway through.

You shake your head, moving further back towards his body. He quickly understands you just want to be comforted, tightening his grip slightly.

Thinking on it, you and your now ex didn't do this very often. It was rare and to be honest you can't even remember the last time it happened.

Christian's always supported you more than him and maybe that's where you've been wrong. Maybe you've been with the wrong person the whole time.

a/n: i need to write more about chris, love him

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