tiktoks - mason mount

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You'd seen other people doing this dance in front of their boyfriends so you almost felt obliged to do it to Mason.

You catch his grin as you set up the camera in front of the both of you, expecting to be dragged into another stupid video you want to recreate.

"What is it now?" He asks, pulling you back down to be beside him.

"You can just watch, okay?"

"Alright, what is it though?" He questions again, sounding slightly suspicious.

"You'll see." You smirk slightly.

Just before you press play, you peck his lips as you stand up in front of him.

"Do i stand up as well?"

"Can do." You nod, pulling him up from his current space on the sofa.

You set the timer running as you stand back to be beside Mason.

You know how Masons going to react to this dance, he's not going to like the fact it's for a camera and to be posted.

Technically it's not a dance, but it follows the song 'mean ft Flo Milli'.

Once you turn around to have your back towards the camera, Mason stares at you for a second before pulling you out of the view.

He watches as the video replays, shaking his head slightly even though it's only a few seconds where the camera can see you.

"I like it." You smile, falling down onto the sofa as he comes to lay beside you.

"I don't, you can't post that." He shakes his head. "Send it to me instead."

"Why don't you like it?" You ask him.

He laughs at you for a second. "I like it, doesn't mean anyone else should, though."

You both exchange a similar look however both for different reasons.

"We can make another one, a better one." He suggests.

"I look pretty there though, see." You point out, just trying to wind him up.

"You do." He smiles back. "But can't we make another one, you can't be showing everyone that."

You play the sound again as you rest your head on Mason, both of you watching it once again.

"Look, i like it but just send it to me and we can make another."

"If you really don't want me to post it, then okay."

"Well, if you really like it that much i won't stop you from posting it." Mason retaliates.

"It was only a prank on you anyway." You chuckle slightly.

"Hm? How?"

"Well, not really a prank but i saw other girls doing it to their boyfriends."

"Right." He chuckles, shaking his head. "If you want to post it then do it."

"I'll tag you in it, okay?"

"Mhm." He nods, watching as you type up a caption then click post. "You do look pretty." Mason comments.

"Thank you." You smile, kissing him softly.

As you post the video, Mason adds a comment saying how he's apparently jealous everyone else is allowed to view the video.

Fans of you both also add their funny comments along with it about how protective Mason got over you.

In the end it is a funny tiktok however Mason continues to insist that if it wasn't for a joke purpose he'd much prefer you to just send it to him.

a/n: sorry it's short but i hope this is what you wanted! a lot of dialogue here

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