past - ben chilwell

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: ben finds out you and kai had a relationship, him being his friend, he doesn't take it too well :

"Was you ever gonna tell me?" Ben asks, sitting at the opposite end of the couch.

It's a cold day, Ben and i have been laying on the sofa together watching movies, attempting to absorb each other's warmth.

"Tell you what?" I question, genuinely confused what i haven't told him.

"Ooh, i don't know. Got a thing for Chelsea boys, do you?" I roll my eyes at him.

He's right though, i never told him about Kai, purely because Kai and i completely lost feelings and i didn't want to ruin anything for them both.

"Don't fucking roll your eyes. Why haven't you told me this?" A stern tone present in his voice.

"Because it's not important." I shrug. "Can you just come lay back down."

"Not important? So you fucking my teammate isn't important?" He almost laughs, standing up from his seat.

"Fucking? It was a short relationship, Ben. Don't say me and Kai are fucking we're not, you're being too over dramatic. I barely even knew you then."

"But you couldnt have even told me, how hard is that to do? You know everything about me."

"Ben, it slipped my mind, alright? That's how important it is, i forgot about it."

"I don't care, you should've remembered. You never saw him and remembered anything? I know how feelings work, i'm not an idiot."

"This has nothing to do with feelings, Kai is in a relationship, i am in a relationship, it was simply us thinking we wanted each other but really just wanted a relationship."

"So, you still expect me to work with this guy? Now i have to be with him most days of my life, for hours on end, knowing this."

"Yeah, i do. I expect you to properly listen to what i'm saying, there was no feelings, alright? We just wanted a relationship and got confused with feelings. Ben it was pretty much two years ago, i was only going on twenty."

"Neither of you could've said anything at all, literally nothing?" His tone softer now.

"Why are you only shouting at me, Ben? Don't turn everything on me. Here, finish your movie." I hand him the remote, going to the kitchen, getting myself some water.

As soon as i escape from the warmth of my blanket, i shudder, although the heating is on, a breeze still passed me.

I look out of the window, watching the wind strain the tree branches.

The faint noise of Ben's footsteps increase by the second, meaning he's getting closer. I roll my eyes, not in the mood to discuss this.

I turn around, Ben stood there by the kitchen door, rubbing his forehead.

"I don't want to talk to you." I simply say, not allowing him to get in a word, walking straight past him.

"Don't be like that." He carries on following me.

"You're the one who's being like that."

"Because i wanted to know some information from you? Some information that i find quite important."

"I would've told you if it was important." I go into our bedroom, Ben retracing my footsteps.

"It is important, you was in a relationship with one of my closest friends."

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