silent treatment - mason mount

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: mason got injured so you try help but he snaps at you :

You loved being a doctor for the Chelsea team, obviously. Part of the fact being your boyfriend plays there so you see him often.

Chelsea are currently playing Man City, you're waiting on the sidelines with two other of the doctors, just in case something does happen.

The ball is passed along the pitch, Chelsea reaching closer and closer to their goal.

You pay more attention, interested in how it's going to work out. Kai passes to Mason and in a split second he's rolling around on the floor in pain instead of making what would've been a good goal.

The three of you rush onto the pitch, guiding players out of your way so you can all gather around the injured player.

"Mason, what hurts?" You ask him, despite the fact it's pretty obvious to notice by the way he's clutching his calf.

"What do you think?" He replies sarcastically, although no hint of amusement in his tone.

"Right," you look over to the other two doctors who are trying to help him. "Let's just get him off the pitch."

Once Mason is off the pitch, he's taken to a bed and you're left to help him. The other two doctors make way back onto the pitch while you see how this will effect him.

"Can you describe the pain for me?" You question.

"Hurts. Like maybe throbbing?"

"Okay, do you think you'll be able to stand up so i can just see how you're feeling walking?"

"You know exactly what's wrong with me, just get on with it instead of asking me all this stuff."


"I'm serious, just get it done instead of asking me to do all of this unnecessary stuff."

You stare at Mason in some form of shock, not expecting that from him especially since you always treat him and it's never an issue.

"Mason, i need to know how severe it is."

"Right, i couldn't walk here, my calf is throbbing, i already know i can't stand and if i can it's going to hurt. I've probably tore it so can you just confirm that so i can begin to recover."

"It's not as easy as that. If i say you have stretched it or something and you haven't, i'm going to get in trouble for that."

"So what? I'm telling you i can't stand. Just get on with it." He groans.

After a minute you just decide to leave, going to get someone else to replace you since although you love Mason you won't help him if he's behaving in that way towards you when all you're trying to do is help.

"Where are you going?" He looks at you just before you open the door.

Instead of answering, you ignore his comment and just exit, making your way back to the pitch.

"Hey, can you go sort out Mason for me?" You ask John, one of the older doctors.

"Yes, but why? Don't you usually do it?"

"Yeah but," you pause, not wanting to really explain.

"Don't worry about it, i'll go. The same room we put him in?"

You nod in reply, taking his seat once he stands up.

He hurries off, returning around half an hour later.

"Went alright. He's in a foul mood, i get why you didn't want to treat him." John laughs. "But he's probably going to be off for maybe two weeks but we need to see how severe it's still going to be. Right now it's not appearing so bad but that may change, i told him if there's no decrease in pain in 24 hours then he should ask you to check it over again."

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