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Five hands and a paw high fived as a group. "That was amazing." Tia said.

"Another mystery bites the dust." Velma says.

"Way to go, gang." Fred says.

"Let's celebrate." Daphne replies.

"Yeah. Celebrate." Scooby says as they went to leave just for the cell door to close.

Tia gasped at what happened. "Better idea."

"Aw, come on, sheriff." Fred says as the others glared.

"Just cork it. You see this badge?" Sheriff asked. "You know why it's there."

"I don't know. Maybe it came with the shirt?" Tia says with a smirk.

"It's here because if there's a crime, I solve it." Sheriff says as he walked away, but stopped. "Oh, by the way, I called your parents. Who, by now, I have on speed dial."

Tia sighed as she leaned against the cell doors. "Why can't we be more appreciated for the help we have done?" She asked.

"I wished they'll thank us for once." Daphne says.

"Good thing we're not in this to be liked." Fred says. The others, minus Tia, glared at Fred. "Maybe that didn't come out quite right."

"It's okay, Fred. I understand what you meant." Tia said as she wondered what their parents would say about all this.
"Mom, I already told you that I'm not taking over your business." Tia said as she was getting dresed. "I will solve mysteries and set traps. Got a problem with that."

"Oh, dear, your just going through a phase and you can do so much with your talent." Lucy tells her. "Look at the Blakes..."

"Daphne is my friend and the two of us have already said that this is where we belong. Solving mysteries and for me, setting traps along side Fred."

Lucy sighed as she wasn't going to get through to her daughter. A horn was heard making Tia run to her window to see Fred. "You need new friends."

"Nope and Fred's here. Bye."

Lucy walked over to the window and watched as Tia got in the van. Tia smiled as she sat in her spot, which was beside Fred. Daphne was always jealous of that, but Fred chose to have his trapping buddy beside him as they talked about traps.
Tia smiled as she sat beside Fred. Daphne wasn't happy about it like always, but she did like being with her friends. They were about to go under a bridge when green fog appeared in front of them causing them to stop. Tia screamed along with the others. The sewer landed not too far from the van.

A shadow behind the green fog had Daphne leaning over to roll the window up just as green slimy hands reached out. Tia screamed as the van shook.

"Zoiks!" Shaggy says. "Like, what was that?"

"It looks like a mystery to me." Fred said as he got out. "And I think that's just a little more important than school."
They walked down the sewer to see a gaping whole in the wall. Tia shined her light as they walked into the cave. "It's military." Velma said as she looked at the toxic drums. "From the oxidation, probably 30, 40 years."

Tia was shining her light with she saw something sparkling from the light. "Hey." Tia said as she walked over to it. She picked it up and looked at it. "Fred, I found something."

Fred walked over as Tia opened the necklace just to hear music. "Mmm. Could be a clue." Fred says. "Good work, Tia."

"Thanks, Fred."

Tia put the necklace around her neck as she continued to search for clues. "Is there water dripping?" Shaggy asked.

Tia looked up with her light to see three men stuck to the cave with green goo around them.
Sirens and flashing lights was the welcoming scene that Tia didn't really won't. She hear the sheriff and stood beside Fred as he blamed them for investigating and that people get cocooned. "Sheriff, we found them like that." She says. "You have to believe us."

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