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Tia arrived at the college as her mom looked at her. "You'll like it here. This is where I have found your father."

"Uh huh." She says getting out of the car. "You never talk about him."

"Watch your cousin and keep him away from food."

Tia rolled her eyes as she pulled away and looked at her friends before going to look around. Fred went to say something, but didn't causing him to go towards his father's old faternity house. Daphne sighed as she knew that Fred will never look at her.
Tia looked around the college as she didn't know what dorm to check out. So instead of looking at the dorms, the blonde walked to look at the classes. Is she really thinking of college. This isn't Tia Malory. She never once thought about college. Just solving mystery and writing a book on the cases they have solved.

"Tia, why don't you come with me?" Velma asked.

"Sure." She says. "It beats doing what mom wants me to do."

Velma walked with her friend as she told her everything about the class she was in. Tia smiled as she could tell Velma actually thinks college was for her.
That night, the two walked together just to hear someone crying out for help. Tia ran and stopped seeing an alien like creature causing her to grab Fred's arm as Daphne grabbed her hand. They couldn't do anything, but what till it dropped Mr. Ellison and screamed at them causing them to hide beside a car.

The gang looked up to see the creature was gone causing them to run over to the teacher. "Ow!"

"Mr. Ellison, are you okay?" Velma asked.

"Okay? I've been violated by a figment of a fantasist's fabricated falsehood for the sole function of fame and fortune." He tells them.

"Oh, like, that is a lot of fa-fa-fuse." Shaggy says.

"Really?" Mr. Ellison asked. "Is it like that? What if, like, like, were used in like, it's proper grammatical form and not, like as a converational paus, like, every thid, like, word?"

Tia glared at the teacher as he judged Shaggy's talking. "Boy, what go him so upset?" Shaggy asked.

"Maybe he wouldn't be so mad if he saw this." Velma says picking up a book. "A copy of Hatecraft's book. "Char Gar Gothakon, The Beast That Hath No Name."

Daphne took the book causing her to show Tia. "Someone's read this a lot." Daphne says. "There's all kinds of sentences underlined." The redhead sniffed the book. "And it smells like old clam chowder being gargled by a seal."

Tia was trying to understand something as she went to ask just for Shaggy to speak. "But why would a monster carry a book about himself around with him?"

"Unless the monster isn't real." Tia says.

"I want to meet this Prfessor Hatecraft for myself." Velma tells them.

When Velma walked away, the rest followed her.
The gang appeared in front of a creepy house causing the gang to go up to it. Fred knocked on the door. "Professor Hatecraft?" He says as he continued knocking till the door opened on its own. "Professor Hatecraft?"

"Hello?" Tia says.

"Professor Hatecraft?" Fred calls out again. "Your door was open."

When they didn't get no answer, the gang walked upstairs to investigate. They stopped at the top of the stairs so they wouldn't split up. Once Shaggy and Scooby got to them, they went left down the hall.

Tia looked around her at all the paintings as Shaggy talked about Hatecraft's books. When Shaggy came face to face with a statue, he screamed and ran with Scooby. "It's just a statue." Tia tells him.

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