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Filler chapter (just because I thought of this)

Lucy walked up to the radio station. "Cassidy, it's me." She says. "Tia and Fred are discovering more and more with their friends."

The door opened up causing Cassidy to hug her long time friend. "I am lying to my own goddaughter and it hurts because once they all find out, especially Fred, we're all screwed."

"That curse has to stop." Lucy tells her. "The only way for that to happen is the Scooby gang. Their friendship is very very pure. Ours wasn't." Cassidy nodded. "We were close before we met Brad, Judy, that parrot, and..."

"You were there for me like I was there for you. Let's help Tia and the gang." Cassidy tells her. "We know more and we are the only hope they have to find out more about these mysteries."

Lucy nodded. "Let's find things to help them out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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