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Tia smiled as she looked around the place. "Why here for our second date, Fred?" She asked. "This type of setting is something I wouldn't really expect from you. Not that I'm complaining."

"Well, Tia, it belongs to my dad for one and two, I thought this could be a different setting." Fred tells her. "We get all the free drinks we want."

Tia smiled as she knew how he was. "At least we got a chance to spend some time together." They heard a laugh causing her to see her friends. "Well, I take that back."

Fred smiled. "Will you three sit down." Velma tells Shaggy, Daphne and Scooby. "Tia and Fred deserve some privacy."

The blonde looked at Fred as he smiled. She knew he did this because Fred isn't the dating type and knowing they are dating, he feels comfortable when their all together. It was always them. "I'm not mad at you."

"Thank god."

Hearing the sound of motorcycles had them looking. She saw Daphne walk over to them causing her to look at Fred. "I don't know what is up with them, but I'm staying right here." She says as Daphne smiled at the attention she was getting.

She heard how shock Shaggy was that Daphne and Velma left causing her to look at the boys. Fred pulled Tia to his side. She looked at her cousin to see the look on his face. He was shocked and heartbroken, but her question is. Was it over Velma or Daphne?
The next day, Tia sat on Daphne's bed shaking her. "Daphne, Sheriff Stone needs to speak to you. Those men that you left with last night, they're in trouble."

Daphne looked at her friend. "Can someone tell me what's going on?"

"There was a break in at the armory last night and a very dangerous weapon was stolen." Sheirff Stone tells her. "We happen to know, it was one of you monster biker friends who did it."

"That's impossible." Daphne tells him. "Velma and I were with them at their campsite on the beach the whole time."

"That's what I've been trying to tell them." Velma says. All of the Wild Brood stayed there the whole night."

Tia looked at her shocked. "You went camping with strangers?" She asked. "Daphne, we were taught better."

Shaggy fainted causing Tia and Fred to look at him. "Tia..."

"I'll tell you later."

They watched Sheirff Stone talking about panthers causing her the blonde to shake her head. She looked at him as Daphne told them they had a mystery. She looked at the redhead not likeing this idea. "Fred, I hate to say this, but Daphne has a point." She says. "I don't like this idea, but if they were with them last night, then they are being framed."


"Fred, I'm doing this for my best friend not for them." Tia tells him. "Let's go."
Arriving at the break in, the gang saw the big hole that was in the wall. She was shocked as Velma pulled up the footage from last night causing them to look and see that it was not the guys they saw last night.

"Gang." She says as she noticed footprints. "We have a set of footprints."

"Look at this." Daphne picked up a napkin. "A napkin from the Chinesetown coffee shop."

"Let's go." Tia says. "If this leads to them then they may know who is wanting to frame them. Unless they aren't really innocent."

Daphne watched Fred follow Tia to the van. She just wants soemone to love her like Fred does Tia.
Tia didn't say nothing as the gang arrived at the cafe shop. Fred put his arms around her as Daphne asked the Wild Broods. She couldn't believe what was happening. They heard Mr. E causing Tia to start working on the computer as Velma stood behind her. "It's swordfish..." She looked around her to see no Velma and no Scooby. "Velma? Scooby?"

Fred looked at his girlfriend. "Where are they?"

"I don't get it. They were just there not too long ago."
At the police station, the two arrived back causing Tia to hug Velma. "You're okay."

"Yeah, but why are they in there."

"Because Sheirff Stone thinks they did it."

"But they didn't. It's another biker monster."

Tia looked at her. "Swordfish."


The bikers started taking their mask off causing them to all be shocked that the train, that Velma rerouted to go through Crystal Cove, had the game that the bikers/nerds made. They knew what to do.
Fred was trying to catch up with train causing Tia to look at him. "Freddie, don't."

Fred didn't listen causing them to hold on tight. The blonde wondered why he was acting like that over them. Was he jealous because Daphne or was it her? Daphne knew Tia was quiet as she was deep in thought.

On the search to find the conductor, Daphne found him causing Tia to turn to see Fred shut the door. "Fred?"

"I'm doing this for you, Tia."

"What?" She asked confused as Daphne walked over to her. "He thinks that you are falling for them."

"No. He is the only one for me. I was just doing my job and proving if they were innocent and guilty." She says. "I thought he was doing this for you."

"Me?" Daphne laughed. "I wished." She tells her. "I've always been envious of you because Fred always looked at you differently as I was looked at as a friend." Tia looked down. "He has always liked you and I will accept it as long as my best friend is happy."

Tia smiled as the train came to a stop causing her to look out the door to see the bridge was gone. "Well, that was a close one."
Once Maxwell was caught, Daphne said her goodbyes to the Wild Broods. Fred looked at Tia as she went over to him. "The way you were acting. Was that over me or Daphne?"

"You. Why would I act like that when I've always liked you." He says. "Ithought you were liking them as you were trying to prive that they weren't guilty."

"Oh, Fred. Don't you ever worry. I'm always going to like you."

Fred pulled the blonde into a hug causing Daphne to smile. She can move on from Fred and just let Tia be happy.

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