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Tia listened to Daphne tell them about last night's babysitting job. "Sounds unusual for a kid to act like that." She tells her.

"Maybe he had too much sugar."

"Sugar doesn't cause you to have fangs." Daphne tells Fred.

Tia heard Daphne ask about going to Author's to see how he was when Fred said that he can't miss civics because he was flunking. "Fred, you know I can help you." Tia tells him.

"I know, Tia, but dad has paid a girl to tutor me."

"A girl?" Daphne said in jealousy.

"Yeah, a senior. She's really smart." Fred said as they came to a stop.

The gang watched as the parents packed their things. Daphne ran to them as her bosses where leaving. "Jinkies, everyone on the block is living."

"Wow." Tia said. "What is going on?"

The sheriff walked over explaining everything to them. When they saw a picture of the monster. "Looks like we got a mystery on our hands."

Tia gasped as she was handcuffed. "You have got to be kidding me."
At school, Tia walked the halls as Fred was waiting for his tutor. "Tia Malory?" She looked and smiled. "Can you help me find Fred?"


Tia took Mary to Fred. When Fred saw Tia, Mary started to talk to Fred causing Daphne to sigh in relief. "Are you that jealous?" Tia asked.

"Me? No."

"Come on, let's talk." She tells her as they bumped into their teacher.

Tia and Daphne saw the book and shared a look.
The next day, another block was attacked and more parents left. Tia stood beside Fred as Daphne glaring that Tia was still by Fred's side. When Velma's mom gave her a shirt to wear, Tia knew what they must do. "We need to figure out what this creature is."

"And Daphne and I know just who can help."
At school, Tia and Fred lead the gang to Dr. Portillo. When they got to the door, Daphne opened the door. "Dr. Portillo?" She said as they entered. "Hmm. He must be teaching a class."

Tia started looking around as dr. Portillo walked in in. "What are you doing in here?"

"Dr. Portillo, we need to ask you a question." Tia says.

"Do you know this creature?"

Tia watched how he was acting. "We're just wanting answers."

Dr. Portillo started telling them about the creature. Tia sat beside Fred who put his arm behind her to watch the slide show. She knew that Dr. Portillo has a theory of who has the curse.
Listening to Velma, Tia walked along side Fred as they discussed the issue. "We need to keep a good eye on him." Tia tells them.

"And set a trap."

Mary Ann walked over wanting Fred to come to the library for tutoring which didn't work as Fred had plans to solve this mystery.
"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Tia asked.

"Come on." Fred tells them as they were sneaking to the window with the light shining through it.

They got to the window to see Dr. Portillo wiping his face. They noticed Shaggy still standing. "Get down!" Tia tells Shaggy.

"My legs won't bend."

"Get down." Fred tells him.

They looked back at the window just for Shaggy to get them caught by falling because of his pants. "Ow!"

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