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Tia and the gang went to a mid-evil festival. She walked in her green dress as everyone was wearing knight costumes and pirates. "I thought this was a knight faire not pirates."

"Man, oh, man!" Fred says from beside Tia as Daphne followed them. "This Knights Faire thing is awesome."

Tia smiled as she listened to Fred. She heard Daphne and shook her head as she knew that Fred wouldn't understand the question for one and two, she was desperately trying to get Fred's attention. She saw Sheriff Stone and Mayor Jones. "Umm..."

"Hey, guys. Check this out." Velma tells the others as they walked over.

Hearing the comment of the girl crying, Daphne questioned what happens. Tia saw the body with blue veins on his face and wondered what type of gnome would do this making her know. They have a mystery.
Sitting with the victim's girlfriend, Tia listened as she watched Scooby eating the food in front of them. "That's disgusting." She tells her cousin. "But Velma's right being paralyzed by a touch. We have a mystery."

When everyone left, Fred followed Tia as she went looking around causing Daphne to glare. Tia had her mind on this gnome even though they can't investigate.
Two more people were attacked. "Pirates are the only ones getting attacked." She said as she saw something in ones hand. Daphne watched as Tia grabbed the jewel. "And our first clue." She looked at the guy in the pirate costume. "Thank you."

"What did your mom tell you about the gnome?" Fred asked.

"This tells us everything about gnomes, but not the one we're dealing with."

Tia heard the jewelry part causing her to show the jewel she found. "What about this? It was in one of the pirates hands." She tells them as Fred looked.

"Way to go, Tia!" Fred tells her. "We find out who has the other one, we find our gnome." Fred tells them.

Shaggy started talking like a pirate making her look at him. "And he has to be my cousin."
Attack after attack, the gang went to the movies. They walked to the doors, just to be stopped. "Fred, we need to go in."

"Let's go in." Fred says as they walked in.

Tia went to one of the paralyzed victims and started getting samples. She never heard anything that was said, but Tia already knew about Shaggy and Velma. Shaggy ratted. "Let's go test this out."

In the van, Tia looked at Velma as she discovered that it's a poison that wears off in five days.
Tia was sitting at the table with her heart broken over her cousin. She hugged Scooby. "You're not the only one that misses him."

Scooby whimpered till he growled causing Fred to move her away as Velma and Scooby fought over the only thing that was left behind a stuffed parrots. Fred heard his phone ringing and answered it. "Hello?" He said. "Mr. E?"

Putting the phone on speaker, the gang sat listening. "Hello, Mystery Incorporated."

Velma took the phone with Fred's hand still in it. "Listen to me you creep. If you know anything about what happened to Shaggy.."

"Well, it's lovely speaking to you, too, Velma." Mr. E says. "I'm afraid I can't tell you where Shaggy is but I can tell you this... begin your search at the end. Enjoy the rest of the faire."

Tia glared as that was not helpful. "Begin at the end?" Daphne questioned.

"Scooby!" Velma says causing him to growl. "Hold on, truce." Tia looked at her friend. "I just want to know where was the last place you saw Shaggy?"

"Smart thinking." Tia says as she looked at Scooby. "Can you tell us?"

Scooby lead them straight to the last place. "This was the last place I saw Raggy." Scooby says.

"Alright, gang. You heard him. Start lookin'." Fred tells them.

Tia started looking around as she had a flash light to hear Daphne screaming out causing them to see a entrance. They all climbed up to see bridges. "That explains how that gnome tends to disappear without a trace."

"You can hide anywhere and be anywhere in the park." Daphne tells them.

Once they reached the top, Scooby started digging as Tia and Fred brought the trap over the whole. "What are we going to us for scary gnome bait?" Daphne asked as Fred covered the trap.

"There's actually one thing that gnome can't resist." Tia says.

"A pirate."

Tia smiled as she hugged her cousins dog as Fred grabbed Tia as they all hid. They waited for the gnome. When they saw him, Tia knew. "Go!" She said as they ran after the gnome.

Tia saw the gnome as he went to touch her just for the others to show up. Just for it to grab Daphne, but it didn't work making Tia smirk as she did a flip off the bridge after the gnome.

They ran into the fair and stopped as they saw the gnome losing his balance just for them to uncover him as Littlefoot. They listened to Littlefoot as he explained his plan. They watched the queen hit her husband in the head making Tia laugh as he walked away.
"Another mystery solved and for once, I'm with Shaggy. I'm hungry."

"Let's go."

Daphne looked at Velma. "I know what it's like. Fred ignores me for Tia."

"You really don't see it, do you?"

"I don't want to believe it." She said as she joined the others.

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