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Tia sat in class watching their teacher. She looked at the red head as she stared with loving eyes. "He kissed a bug." Fred says.

"Disgusting." The blonde responded.

"Thank you, Tia." Fred says as she always seemed to understand him.

Tia continued to listen as he went behind her to Scooby. "Nature Slivers are manufactured by Destroido?" He says. "And every bite you take supports the biggest polluter in Crystal Cove?"

"I thought this was class, not protesting." The blonde mumbled under her breath.

"No. But they're, like, super good." Shaggy responds.

Tia heard Scooby offering Dr. Yantz some chips as the bell rang. The two best friends walked out. "That guy's a total nut." Fred says.

"Agree." She tells him.

"Mmm. I think, Dr. Yantz is amazing." Daphne says with a dreamy voice causing Tia to look at her smiling.

"What are you talking about?" Tia asked her.

"Well, for one thing, he's, he's intelligent."

"And cute."

Tia stopped with her cousin and best friend. "Cute?" She questioned. "Ew. He'll look better in a trap."

Fred watched her walk away. "Fred, are you okay?"


"You really like Tia." Scooby pointed out.

"I do. I'm glad she doesn't find him cute." He says. "Or I will feel different."

Shaggy couged up a note. "Ohh. It's a message from Mr. E."
Arriving at the hospital, Daphne helped Tia out as they were told that the mystery they have to solve was something different. They walked up to the entrance to see the sheriff's car. "Looks like Mr. E's right. Something's up." Velma says. "That's Sheriff Stone's car."

"Like, maybe we can stop by the cafeteria when we're done and get some of that delicious hospital gelatin." Shaggy says.

"And I will question again, how are we related?"

Shaggy shrugged as Scooby agreed. "Yeah, with saltines and applesauce."

Tia went to walk in causing Fred to stop her. "Tia!" She turned to look at him. "Want to go on a date to a trap museum.'

"Sure." She tells him. "Who knows? We might find better ideas for traps."


Daphne sighed as she knew that Fred will never look at her the way he does Tia, but that's okay. She was moving on.

Inside, they heard Sheriff Stone freaking out causing the gang to wonder what type of bug he was freaking out over. "Calm down, it's just a bug." Mayor Jones tells him.

Tia walked with the gang and stopped as Fred asked what happened to the patient. She watched as he turned them down causing her to laugh as she knew they will be getting involved. "You know, he may have said no, but he is the dumbest mayor ever. Especially when it comes to his son. The one who wants to solve this bug mystery."

"Tia, you read my mind." He says. "Sorry, dad, no can do."
At the hospital, Tia was reading a book as they waited for Fred to come back. There was another attack and they have to investigate why this creature is attacking. "I got it gang. 24-b."

Walking to his room, Tia watched Daphne open the door. "Mr. Dederdee?" Daphne says poking her head in. "Mind if we ask you a few questions."

"We heard about your bug attack last night." Velma put in.

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