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At school, Tia sat beside Fred as they listened to Velma and Shaggy till they heard a big noise. They looked to see a big robot spider. "You have got to be kidding me." She says as she looked at Fred and saw the look on his face. "I know that look."

"What is that thing?"

"It's a mystery, Daphne." Fred and Tia says.

"And the only thing that'll stop a mystery is a trap." Fred says causing the blonde beside him to laugh.

The spider came over to them and stopped as a redhead boy walked over to them. "That or an ingeniously fashioned remote control." He says. "Ha ha! Look, Velma all those jocks and populars cower when faced with my mechanical menace. Who's in charge now, jocks and populars?"

Tia didn't say anything as the jocks ran up behind him and gave him a wedgie. Fred and Tia went over to them as Jason was introduced to them. She watched her cousin walk up to Jason causing Tia to cover her mouth as Shaggy was a bit jealous over the way Jason was acting. Fred put his hand on the lower part of Tia's back as they followed Shaggy who walked away with Velma's hand in his. "Some one's jealous."
The gang arrived to see ambulance and police. "Jinkies, look at that tour bus."

"Huh?" Scooby says leaning between Velma and Daphne.

"What happened to it?" Daphne asked as Tia wondered what destroyed the bus.

"Something...mysterious." Fred says causing the blonde to look at him.

"Fred, don't do that."

'What?" He said as they got out.

Seeing Velma's mom, Tia ran over with the gang. She looked at Sheriff grabbed Scooby causing her to look at him. "What are you doing?" Tia asked.

"Arresting him."

Tia couldn't believe what she was hearing. Scooby is being framed.
The next day, Tia was sitting beside Fred as they were trying to figure out what to do to cheer Shaggy up. "Fred, go order Shaggy's favorite food." She tells him.

"Good idea." He says making Daphne roll her eyes at them.

When Fred grabbed the order for Shaggy as they listened to Velma try to get Shaggy to move on. "Velma!" Tia and Daphne said together as she was not helping Shaggy one bit.

"I know what will cheer him up." Fred says.
"Welcome to the Crystal Cove Animal Asylum for the criminally insane." The guard says as the gang followed him. "Where we keep the most dangerous and diabolical animals this town has to offer." The gang went through a scan as he spoke.

"Diabolical?" Velma asked. "These are animals we're talking about."

"Velma, you'll be surprised." Tia says as she grabbed her locket that Daphne gave back to her the other day.

The guard showed them his finger. "Snappy jack, the turtle did this to me yesterday." He tells them. "Does this look like something an animal would do?"

"Yes." Tia says.

The others agreed as they heard him growling. They followed him to where Shaggy would be at. They walked by one cage just for a monkey to jump on the gate causing Tia to jump in Fred's arms. "Don't! Make eye contact."

"Now he tells us." Tia says as she looked at Fred and blushed as he put her down.

They didn't see Daphne looking heartbroken as her nightmare was coming true. Fred is in love with Tia. The gang finally got to Scooby and smiled. "Scoob!" Shaggy says happily.

They listened to Shaggy as Tia's necklace popped open and the music started playing. "What the..."

"Mystery Incorporated to the rescue." She heard.

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