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Tia looked at Scooby as he cried. She heard Fred say he said something that upset Scooby, but it wasn't him. It was Velma and Shaggy's relationship that Scooby discovered. She arrived at the destination to see the Tiki place was destroyed. Tia got out with Fred and Daphne as they started taking pictures and looking for evidence. "Well, look at what the talking dog dragged in."

"Oh brother." Tia said as as she walked to Velma and Daphne.

"We're just here to help, sheriff." Fred tells him.

"Help not needed here. No." Sheriff says. "This was just your normal, everyday nightclub stuff. And so, skedaddle."

"From what we've heard whatever did this was big, green, and hairy." Velma says holding a clue in her hand as Tia and Daphne looked at her. "But definitely not normal."

'I just hope that thing sticks around and does some more stomping." The construction worker says. "I could use the business."

Tia watched him walk away looked back at the sheriff. "Got any theories on what kind of beast did this, sheriff?" Fred asked.

"Maybe I do." The sheriff said acting like he was leaving. "Maybe I don't." Tia gave him a look. "Okay! I do. Way I see it, the beast can only be a completely new and as yet undiscovered monster and as the beast discoverer I have decided to call it a humongonaut from the Latin term for big and hairy space traveler."

"Space traveler?"

"Oh, boy." Tia mumbled.

"The green fur is the main clue." Sheriff Stone tells them. "It's them outer space gamma rays. I'll tell you what, I'm lucky there is only one. Can you imagine if two of those ding dang beasties showed up?"

Hearing a growl, Tia looked at Sheriff Stone. "And you were saying."

The looked at the restaurant to see a red humongonaut. Tia screamed like everyone else and ran to find a place to hide.
At the station, the gang listened to the song as they waited for Angel. "So a pair of beast men attack the town and you kids are moping?" Angel says. "What's up, huh?" Tia sighed as she listened. "This kind of stuff usually gets ya'll hot and bothered."

"I'll tell you what's up." Velma says causing Fred, Tia, and Daphne to look at her. "We need to clean up our emotional mess before we can start acting like a team again."

Daphne covered Tia's mouth as she was about to say something. "Our family always has a pow wow when we have problems."

The blonde looked at her redhead friend wondering what else the girl's family does. "A pow wow."

"For instance, every time mother starts sleeping in the backyard tree house we hire a doctor or somebody else with authority to help us work things out." She says. "Then we lock her away for a few months."

"That's a great idea, Daph." Tia says as she uncovered her mouth. "I wish I knew about that when it comes to mom."

Daphne smiled as she was hoping Fred would say something like that. Velma looked away from the three. "Would you help us, Angel?"

"Sorry, babies. Y'all need to get someone who's qualified to help folks in trouble 'cause I'm only good at two things is spinnin' records and being a stone cold fox." Angel tells them.

"I think I know just the man." Fred says.
Sitting at Fred's house, they waited for someone to come help the gang with their situation. Hearing a knock, Tia looked to see Sheriff Stone. She looked at Daphne. "This will be pointless."

"I agree."

After awhile, Sheriff Stone was telling them the story about something that Tia just gave up. He wasn't helping them, but who is she to judge Fred's judgement. He was only trying to help, but Sheriff Stone told them to leave and go their separate ways. The blonde rolled her eyes as Velma stood up. "I've had enough this silliness." Velma says as she looked at Fred leaning against Tia's chair. "We all know the reason we're having trouble as a group and it's spelled S-H-A-G-G-Y."

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