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Tia was sitting at the Jones reading. "Okay, I'm bored." She said. "Can I at least help with that trap, Fred?"

"No.' He tells her. "I got this."

Tia rolled her eyes. "I have read every magazine." Daphne complained. "What's this?' Tia watched as Trap Illustrated was pulled out. "Fred!"

"I, uh, I read it for the articles." Fred says.

"There's nothing to worry about, Fred." Tia says. "Is there any good traps?"

"That's where I got the idea for this little beauty."

Tia looked at the trap near the door smiling. "Who do you expect trapping at the front door?" Velma asked.

Hearing the door bell rang, the gang walked over to the door to see the mailman hanging upside down. "Wow." Tia said. "It worked."

"I have a package for a, uh, Fred Jones."

"Hey that's me."

Tia shook her head as she watched Fred release the trap as he went to see what was in the package. The blonde sat on the arm chair. Tia opened the box as Velma grabbed the note and gasped. "It's from Mr. E!" Velma showed the E. "Saved this for a rainy day. Enjoy."

"That sounds creepy." Tia says.

"Humph. Mr. E gives me the creeps." Daphne says as Fred went to see what's in the box. "Fred, careful. That could be a bomb."

Tia gave Daphne a look about what she said. Fred pulled a purse out making her shake her head. "Ooh, strike that. Cute purse."

Seeing the tag on it, Fred started to read it. "Check it out. Made of 100% of gator from Gatorsburg."

"What?" Tia said. "Gatorsburg hasn't manufactured gator products in decades."

"Not since the gator mines dried up." Velma says. "Gatorsburg was founded back in the 1800s when a group of prospectors searching for gold struck something more valuable."

"Alligator." Tia says. "Gatorsburg had more alligators than anywhere in the world. Overnight, Gatorsburg became a boomtown."

"The town became famous for it's gator skin products." Velma said. "Then the gator wells ran dry. Gatorsburg became a ghost town."

"But, like, Freddy, it says it was made in Gatorsburg." Shaggy says.

Scooby sniffed the bag and said it smelt new. "Gang, we have a mystery on our hands." Fred says making Tia smile.

"I just love it when he says that." She said as she left.
The gang drove to Gatorsburg for their next mystery. Tia watched as they arrived in the town that she thought at as creepy. Fred stopped the van and they got out. "This is what happens when a civilization is founded on an entirely gator based economy." Velma says.

"Alright, gang, let's split up and look for clues." Fred tells them causing them to walk off.

Tia walked away looking for a clue when Fred came back. "Let's go, gang. There's nothing to trap here." Fred says. "Looks like Mr. E sent us on a wild goose chase."

Tia got in the van and buckled up. Fred turned the key to start the van, but it didn't start. They got out and went to the front. "What's the problem, Fred?" Tia asked.

"You see that hole there?" Fred asked as they nodded. "That should be an engine."

Hearing an engine rev had them turn to see a truck. Tia covered her eyes to block out the lights till the truck's lights turned off. The door opened as a man got out. "You kids are in serious trouble!" He said. Tia was actually scared of this man. "Care to tell me what you're doing in Gatorsburg?"

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