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The gang was enjoying the concert. Tia looked at Fred smiling. "These seats are amazing." She tells him.

"I thought you had to be a scalper to get front row tickets for the Hex Girls." Daphne says.

"Nope. You just need to know Velma." Fred tells them causing Tia to look at her friend laughing.

They heard Velma screaming causing Tia to laugh. She heard Scooby acting weird. "What's wrong with Scooby?" Daphne asked.

"He's still mad at me for going to prom with Velma." Shaggy tells her.

Tia looked between her cousin and friend and saw a relationship. The lights flashed off and came back on when someone was up on the stage with the Hex Girls. "Listen, Hex Girls, carefully. You are bound for misery!" He tells them. "This will be your final show or you will suffer endless woe! So saith the Phantom!"

"No one tells the Hex Girls what to do."

Tia heard Velma causing her to shake her head as the speakers fell. "Thorn. No!"

Fred felt Tia grab his hand as they stared in shock at what just happened.
"We should cancel the tour." A guy said after showing the video.

"Cancel? No way." Thorn says. "Stick to writing songs, Daniel."

"The beating of the corpse man's drum will not rat-a-tat-tat on this happening, darlings."

"Uh huh?" The gang says.

"This is Gus Boggs, our manager."

"Thorn, Dusk, Luna, I will gladly give my life to save you." Velma says causing Tia to smile at her friend.

"I agree with Gus, if we're gonna solve this mystery the show must go on." Fred says causing Tia to look at him.

"Sounds like a plan." She said.

"Now, Thorn seems to be the Phantom's primary target so what we need is a double." Fred says causing Tia to wonder where this plan of Fred's was going.

"Huh? Me. I'll do it." Velma says. "Me. Me!"

Tia stood a little closer to Daphne as Velma was going all fangirl on Fred over being the double. "Tia, how about you?" Fred asked causing Daphne to look at him shock that he asked Tia.

"Sure." She said. "I'll give it a shot."

Daphne knew that Tia was the perfect choice. Especially when she started singing. Seeing the look on Fred's face mean that he was realizing something. Something that was going to be unsettling to her. "That works."



"Perfect. Tia's our Phantom bait." Fred says as he put his hand on her back.

"This is so exciting." Daphne said as she gets to be alone with Fred.

"Bait?" Tia questioned.
Tia heard cheering and looked out from behind the curtain. She turned around just for Thorn to fix the wig as the gang stands behind them watching. "I'm a good look for you, Tia." Thorn says.

"Let's hope so, I don't know if I'm more afraid of the Phantom or the fans." Tia confessed.

"Don't worry, Tia, after the Phantom's attack last night I re-rigged my trap." Fred tells her as she looked at him. "Can you say, bamboo tiger cage and punji takes?"

Tia walked out onto the stage as she heard the music playing. She started singing. In the middle of her performance, Tia heard squeaking. "What's happening?" She asked not seeing the Phantom.

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