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Prom was something Tia could actually careless about. She also discovered that Shaggy was her cousin, but that didn't change anything. Tia walked through the halls with her books in her arms as she saw Daphne talking to Fred causing her to shake her head. She walked over to her locker just to hear a girl.

"Hey, Tia." Fred said.

"Hi, Fred." She replied as she shut her locker. "See you later, I'm running late."

"Okay." Fred tells her causing Daphne to roll her eyes as she saw how Fred didn't throw her off like he did her.

Even with Alice, he still talked to Tia. Daphne looked back to see Tia going around the corner causing her to think of a way to get Fred to take her to prom.
Tia walked into the auditorium with Fred and Alice. "Hi." Alice said.

"Tia and I have been showing Alice around."

"Someone has to." Tia said as she sat down.

Alice went to sit down beside her to sit with Fred, but Fred sat down causing Alice to sit in between Daphne and Tia. They saw Sheriff Stone talking about the boy from the town over causing Tia and Fred to speak. "Gang, we have a mystery to solve." They said as they were released.

Tia stood up as Alice said she was going to walk home. "We could give you a ride. Right, Fred."


"I like walking, but thanks."


Tia looked at Shaggy. "Did your parents tell you?"


"We're cousins, Shaggy."

"Like, this is awesome." He said.

"Tia, are you coming?"

"Umm...sure." She said as she looked at her necklace. "I can do my research later."

"I can do some of it Tia." Daphne offered. "I'll give you the locket back."

"Okay." Tia said taking her locket off. "I'll see you later."

Fred and Tia left together. Daphne scoffed as she walked away not believing that Fred was clueless about her.
The next day, Tia sat at Angel's studio looking through the newspaper that Daphne found causing her to try to figure out who would want the original mystery inc. to not be found. "Tia?" She looked up. "Are you coming?"

"Ummm..." Tia looked at the newspaper. "Where's Fred?"

"Alice." Daphne said causing her to roll her eyes at the redhead's jealous.

"I think I'm going to do more research...."

"You're coming." Daphne said as she grabbed Tia and dragged her with her.
Going to the cemetery was something that Tia was not want to happy about it. She walked alone the cemetery. She heard a scream and went searching for whoever screamed. "Tia?"

"Fred? I thought you were with Alice."

"I was, but she asked me to prom." He tells her. "I turned her down as I want to take my best friend to prom."

"Are you asking me?"

"Yeah." He said. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Daphne has been hinting..."

"She's just my friend. Not my best friend."

Tia nodded. "Sure, Fred, but we need to find the gang."

The two walked to see a door shut causing them to walk over to it. Fred opened the door just for them to find the others. Tia walked over to the casket to see the mask of the Creeper. "What?" She said as she looked at Fred. "What is going on?"

Daphne started explaining causing Fred to announce that he was taking Tia. "What?"

"Not the way I would have said it."

"Daphne, she's my best friend." He said. "I've done promised when we were kids that I would take her."

Tia shook her head as she knew Daphne was even more jealous.
Tia smiled as she walked out of her house to see Fred with flowers. "You got me flowers?" She asked. "Thanks."

"Let's go."
Tia smiled as she danced with Fred as Daphne saw them. She stood by watching as she was jealous over Fred, but she always looked up to Tia. When the lights turned off, Tia was confused and looked to see Scooby. "What just happened?"

"Danger. Ghost girl." Scooby tells them as Daphne went to them.

"Why don't you save me a dance? Fred!"

Tia was shocked to see the ghost of Alice May. They dodged as Alice May jumped after them. Everyone in the gym ran out as Alice May was after them. "Fred. Tia. Follow me." Daphne tells them as they ran into the hall.

"Where are we going?" Tia asked as Daphne got in Alice's locker. "Why are you doing that?"

"This is the key to the basement. Come on." Daphne tells them.

They went straight to the basement and shut the door. Tia stood on the stairs. "Guys, look at this."

Tia saw the bag. "Those are Alice's clothes." She tells them as Velma showed the other costume. "The Creeper?"

"Gang, we are close to solving this mystery and I know what type of trap to help." Fred tells them causing Tia to shake her head laughing.
Back in the gym, Tia stood in by the trap and waited for Fred's signal. She watched as Alice May walked towards Fred threatening to destroy them. "Now." Fred tells them causing them all to pull the rope.

When the lights came on, Mayor Jones walked in. "Hazy-fantazy, Fred. Didn't you hear me when I said, if you see a ghost girl do not go to the prom with her."

"Actually, Mayor Jones, she's not a ghost girl." Tia said as she hopped of the stage. "In reality, she's..." she pulled the mask off. "...Alice May, or she's also know as..."

"Alice Carlswell."

"Carlswell? As in Deacon Carlswell? The Creeper?" Sheriff Stone questioned.

"That's right. He was my father. When daddy was imprisoned, I vowed revenge on those who put him there." Alice started out. "I used his old costume to construct my own. When I found the legend of the ghost girl online, I was ready to spring my trap. I grabbed that fool Randy to throw you all off the track. And I kept him hidden and fed in my father's crypt, until I could let him go. After that, it was just a matter of getting rid of your precious leader, Fred."

Tia looked at her not liking that she targeted someone that she cares for. "I wanted to destroy your gang the way you destroyed my father and I would have succeeded, too if it weren't for you meddling..." she trailed off. "Schoolmates... of mine." Alice finally finished.

Tia looked at Fred and touched his arm causing him to smile.
When Alice was taken away, Tia walked over to Fred. "That trap was amazing, Fred."

"Couldn't have done it without you." He tells her as he went to the van.

Tia saw the bag. "Sheriff dropped Alice's bag." She said.

"Sheriff!" Daphne called out as she took the bag to show it just for a book to fall out.

"Look at this." Tia said as she looked at the book better. "It's a yearbook."

They opened it to see the six. Tia opened her locket as Velma read the names. "Brad Chiles, Ricky Owens, Cassidy Williams, Judy Reeves, Lucy Rogers, and mascot Professor Pericles." Velma said. "Crystal Coves mystery solving club. Mystery incorporated."

"Wow. I like that name." Fred said as Tia looked at the name and a picture of Lucy Rogers.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" Tia mumbled. She never asked about her mom's family so this was just another mystery to solve.

"Like, these kids were just like us." Shaggy pointed out.

"Question is, why did they disappear?" Daphne asked.

They all shared a look knowing that they have another mystery to solve.

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