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The gang went to Angel's to wait for her. Fred stood beside Tia as they listened to Velma who was going over everything that they have gathered so far. "Weird, it doesn't have the standard letter E stamp on the front." Daphne pointed out as she opened the diary.

Tia looked over at the diary with her. "Dear diary, man, I dig Ricky. Last night I fantasized that he took me 'in his big strong arms on a magic carpet ride all the way to the mysterious perfumed gullies' of Romancylvania." The blonde looked at her best friend who held the same look. "Wow."

"This belonged to Cassidy Williams of the original Mystery Incorporated." Daphne reads.

Angel stood thinking before looking at the two. "Try the last entry before they disappeared." She tells them causing Tia to look at Velma as the two knew something was up.

Going to the last entry, Daphne started reading. "Dear diary, in our quest to track down the cursed treasure, we leave tonight to search the site of the old Darrow Mansion." She reads.

"That's weird." Velma says as Fred put his hand on Tia's shoulder. "The paper says they disappeared from the Crystal Cove caves."

That mansion used to stand where Darrow College is now." Angel tells them.
The gang went to the college to find the exact spot to the Darrow mansion. "The boiler room is the lowest point in the entire college." Velma tells the gang. "If the mansion is underneath this will be the best access point."

"Start searching, gang."

"If we're lucky, we'll find a subtle clue that will help us."

Tia and Daphne walked to a crate and shared a look. "We found something." The two said together.

Fred walked over and helped them move the crate. They saw what looked to be chimney. She looked at Fred before he jumped in causing her to groan before jumping in after he did. They others looked at them as Fred caught Tia. "It's clear, come on down." Fred says.

"Catch me, Fred!" Daphne said as she jumped, but landed on her butt causing the blondes to look at her.

"What did you say, Daph?"

"Never mind." She says.

They waited for the other three, but Tia noticed a wall blocking them. "Where are we?"

"This must be the old Darrow Mansion." Tia tells them.

"Welcome back, Mystery Incorporated." They heard a voice say. "This'll never leave."

"Never leave?" Tia says as she looked a Fred.

"Who are you and how do you know us?" Fred asked.

Tia listened to the voice as she was curious about this man. Something was telling her that they were in danger and that they were mistaken. Especially when she heard Lucy Rogers. Not knowing what to say, Tia looked at Fred as they have more than one mystery to solve. "Excuse me, demented speaker sir there's a misunderstanding." Velma says. "See, we're not..."

"Enough!" The man said. "You'll never get my treasure! You will never make it out alive."

Tia and Daphne held each other as this man was terrifying. "Like, why does he have to keep saying that?" Shaggy says.

"Why does he think I'm a bird?" Scooby asked.

"For some reason, this guy believes we're the original Mystery Incorporated."

"Well, they were here before us. That's how he knows." Tia responds. "But why would he think that we are them?"

"Fred, what's going on?" Daphne asked.

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