Part Fifteen

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"You had me worried Aus."

Australia looked up at Denmark, puzzled.

"Why were you worried? Eightleggedmajesticbeast should be the worried one, you just wished her a peaceful rest, she's still alive!"

"Aha.." Denmark averted his eyes, flushed, he didn't want to out himself like that. "I'm just... slow? Or too fast. Jumping too quickly to conclusions."

"I wasn't going to bring her in." Australia smirked, chuckling slightly.

Denmark sputtered. "I-I didn't think you were going to anyways!" Denmark covered his face and looked away. Embarrassing..

Australia stood up and stretched. "I wouldn't do that to you. If I was by myself, maybe I would've, but I know other people aren't as excitable as I am."

"You would not let a wild spider roam around your car." Denmark gave Australia a worried look.

"Oh you're underestimating how dumb and careless I can be D." Australia smiled as he threw the cup and paper into the back of his car. "I'd wrestle a bear if I got the chance, seems fun."

Denmark's jaw would've fallen off if it wasn't attached. Australia was crazy.

"You'll catch flies."

"Uh huh.." Denmark shook his head a bit. "Home? Now?"

"I guess, I can't see her anymore, hopefully she does last a while."

"Eightleggedbeast?" Denmark questioned.

"Eightleggedmajesticbeast, yes." Australia retorted. "She was a beaut. She'll have lovely spider children, or not, it's not my boat to rock."

"Stop talking." Spider babies, not a pleasant image.

"But, spider babies! Eightleggedmajesticbeast could have tons and tons of eightleggedmajesticbeast juniors!"

"Oh my god, shut up! It's making my skin crawl!" Denmark attempted to retreat to the car, but Australia just followed.

"It's the juniors, she's set them on you for forsaking her."

"I am not about to be cursed by a bug that got stuck on a wiper Australia."

"Oh but you are. The beasts will haunt you for life."

"Australia shut up, holy shit."

"Make me."

Denmark was unimpressed. Australia could see that in the small eyebrow raise.

"Come on, I'm having fun, if you want me to stop it's gonna take more than a couple words." Australia chuckled from his seat.

"Oh really?" Denmark had an idea.

"Yeah, duh." Australia replied.

Denmark shut the passenger door and looked over at Australia. He leaned over the centre console armrest and faced Australia.

Australia chuckled nervously. "Uh, hey, I was joking about-" He started before being abruptly shoved out of the car.

With a quick slam and an eruption of laughter, Australia looked up from his new place on the ground to find an annoyingly smug looking Denmark shaking the keys from the window.

"You wouldn't!"

"Mmh, no, not that mean. But if you really love eightleggedbeast, maybe you should be with her for a bit longer." Denmark chuckled as he rolled up the window until only a little gap was left, he wanted to hear how Australia would win his way back into the car.

Australia got up and shook himself off, he took a hold on the car handle and gave it a small tug. Locked. Damn it.

"D come on, I'm getting cold, my clothes are still wet, have mercy!"

Denmark smirked and raised an eyebrow. "No way am I letting it slide that easy, I warned you. Plus, I know you're not cold you liar."

Australia rolled his eyes. How had Denmark even gotten the keys off him?

"Look, I'll stop talking about her alright! I'll be nice!"

"You need to work on being more persuasive."

"Gah I'm trying." Australia looked up for a minute to think. "You want a kiss or something? I don't know man."

Denmark sat surprised. "Are you hearing yourself?"

"Yeah I think so, I mean, a kiss from a guy like me would almost be as good as winning the lottery, I'm not ugly, you know?"

"Quit playing around, give me something good."

Australia noticed the small gap in the window, he could be mean, but he'd be the longer term victim, not Denmark. Maybe it was worth it though.

"I'm gonna go on a quick walk, I'll find you a pretty flower or something, don't ditch me."

"I'll be waiting Li." Denmark smiled as Australia walked off.

Australia shook his head and grabbed a small bottle he found on the ground. Litter would be agitating in any other situation, but right now he needed it.

'Eightleggedmajesticbeast, here I come.'


Hi, it's back.

I don't know how much longer I'll drag it out though.

Thanks <3.

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