Part Twelve

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Denmark watched as Australia lunged himself into the water.

"Do you have a towel?" Denmark asked as he sat down on the sand.

"Nah. I'll drip dry." Australia stated as he lay back into the water.

Denmark hesitantly nodded and started drawing in the sand. He had no idea what he would draw, he'd just let his creativity take him away.

The small country smiled as he drew whatever came to mind. He drew flowers, boats, fish, his family. Then he stumbled across an abnormal drawing. Anything that came to mind he drew, so why was Australia..?

'Forget it.' Denmark thought as he smiled. They were friends, nothing wrong about drawing his friend.

The Dane looked up and around at the beach. It was beautiful. The sand was flush against the sea and lined with tidy rows of debris. Denmark shuffled towards a small pile of shells, small pieces of bark and seaweed and began to search for anything that could catch his eye. He found peculiar rocks, pebbles and a few small crab shells.

Denmark travelled between these piles for a while until Australia soon kneeled down beside him. "What are you doing?"

"I was just looking for cool rocks and stuff but I found this!" Denmark swiftly pulled a small crab claw from the pile of rocks and shells in his hand and dropped it into Australia's hand.

"Crickey." Australia looked over the small claw then handed it back to Denmark. "Have you found any more?"

"Yeah, a couple here and there but nothing much." Denmark continued searching the small piles of debris around him. Australia stood up and watched as he drained as much water from the clothes as he could. Australia then noticed the small drawings not too far from where they were and walked over to them.

The drawings were nice. Simple and easy to comprehend. One stood out to Australia.

'Quite an artist huh?' Australia chuckled as he inspected the small drawing of him.

Australia kneeled down and dug his finger into the sand by the drawing.

'Two can play that game.'

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