Part Sixteen

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Australia hadn't been walking for long, but he already felt lost. Maybe this stupid treasure hunt wasn't the smartest thing he could do, he should've just thrown dirt at the other country, that would've done the job.

Australia sighed and started backtracking, paying close attention to the branches and shrubs by his side. Even if it wasn't eight-legged, it would still be enough of a majestic beast to potentially do the job, if nothing caught his eye, there was plenty of dirt to go around..

Australia was surprised to run into Denmark on his trip back. Maybe he had been walking long enough to get lost.

"Australia!" Denmark sighed, relieved. "It's been like... a while? I lost track."

"Aw man, now I don't have to force my way into the car."

"It wasn't in the plan for you to get lost."

Australia sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"My bad D."

"You're too quiet at the wrong times you know?" Denmark tapped his foot nervously. "Let's go, you need dry clothes."

Australia had forgotten about that.

"Ah well now I'm cold Denmark.."

"That's not how that works!" Denmark panicked. "Hurry and get in the car then! Jeez!"

Australia chuckled and followed Denmark back to the car. Denmark insisted on driving them back, Australia didn't complain, they'd turned the heaters on and Australia kept his hands hovering over them. He had gotten cold, he didn't realise it until now though, how odd.

"Do you think I'll get sick?" Australia asked, it'd probably stress Denmark out more, maybe it wasn't the smartest question to ask an already panicked driver.

"I uh... I sure hope not.. I don't like the idea of you stuck at home with Zea." Denmark quickly glanced over at Australia then back at the road. "You said something about a game earlier, and you definitely weren't fond of it. I'm sure he's not that cruel, but I don't like the chances."

Australia nervously smiled, of course Denmark remembered him mentioning Zea's stupid game. Their dumb little game... Ugh..

"Can you tell me more about your game? It seems like such a bad game, why play along?"

How was he going to explain it without sounding like a child?

"It's uh..."

Come on, Australia, don't choke now.

Australia looked around, almost as if the words would pop out at him, how vague could he be without lying?

"Zea and I, I'm sure you've noticed, but we aren't as close as we used to be." Australia looked over at Denmark, half expecting a reaction. "So he made a bet to test how honest we were with each other."

"That doesn't sound so bad. That's how it should be anyways right?"

"Gahhh... Yeah but.." Australia tapped his knee. "He asks this one question every time he gets the chance, probably because I keep avoiding it."

"It can't be that bad."

"We'll that's the thing, it's not, but I don't think like that."

"Like what?" Australia caught Denmark staring a bit and quickly urged him to look back at the road.

"God, don't think of me any differently."

Denmark scoffed.

"I'm not that soft, Australia."

"I know, so..." Australia started and clicked his tongue a few times. "God, I've never been good with feelings."

"Take your time."

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