Part Seventeen

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Australia took a deep breath in.

"So like.. uh.."

Denmark smiled, Australia was juggling his words, it was.. funny. He'd stop, start, then stop again. Just what Denmark expected.

"Gahh what's that look for? I'm trying!" Australia sighed and rubbed his forehead a few times. "Feelings are kinda gross."

"Maybe, but they're normal and necessary, I would not be sitting here with you if it were any other way." Denmark looked around for a good spot to pull over, he wanted to be able to give Australia his full attention for this, this was important for their friendship. They needed to know each other better.

Denmark noticed Australia go quiet when he pulled over.

"Ahhh now I can't stall."

"Funny. Now talk."

"You noticed didn't you, you're sly."

"Stop stalling."

Australia could feel Denmark burning holes through him.

"But feelings are ugh.."

Denmark sat back a bit.

"I do this with my brothers too you know. Some of them are hard to talk to." A small smile spread across his face, Denmark relaxed a bit, this made Australia feel more at ease. "Feelings may be gross, but if they're creating more harmful and negative feelings, we have to do something about it."

"Yikes, well.." Denmark's smile perked up, Australia was finally opening up.
"Zea's always pestering me about romance and stuff and.." Australia looked up, half expecting Denmark to be stifling laughter. "I don't know, I never got into that kind of stuff, I'm not a romantic person, so it just gets on my nerves when he's constantly on my tail."

"Did you really think that was so embarrassing?"

"I knew you'd think differently, Jesus." Australia frowned and looked away.

"No no no, genuine question, if you did, that's important." Australia peeped back at Denmark. "You should be more open to him about these things."

"Don't you think I've tried? You witnessed first hand how bad I am." Australia leaned his head back and brought his hands up. "It always goes exactly like this."

Australia brought two fingers at a close talking distance.

'Hey Australia, still lonely?' Australia wiggled one of his fingers as he spoke. His tone was irritating, obviously making a mockery of his brother.

"New Zealand does not sound like that."

"He does to me." Australia snickered. "Now shut up I'm story telling."

'New Zealand, I do not appreciate you asking the same question over and over again.' Australia paused, recounting the event, he wanted it to be accurate. 'You always ask me about..'

Australia stopped. Denmark was expecting him to keep going, but after a few passing minutes, Denmark spoke up.

"Why did you stop? If you don't want to tell me that you like someone just use a different name."

Australia jumped up and started sputtering. "No no no no no no no! I told you! I suck at romance! I don't like anyone!" Australia was flustered, choking on his words almost, Denmark had enough siblings to know he was lying.

"So are white lies ok in your game? I'm surprised."

Australia squinted at Denmark for a second.

"Ah fuck ya! I'm not lying!" Australia lightly shoved Denmark. Denmark chuckled and smiled in return.

"Sure Australia, I believe you."

Australia shook his head. "You're such a rude audience, don't ever go anywhere, ever. They'll hate you."

"Thanks. Now feel free to continue."


Australia brought his fingers back up.

'You always ask me about them and it pisses me off. Grow up and think of something original.'

'Just answer the question and I'll stop asking.'

'You're a good for nothing brother bro.'

Australia abruptly smacked his hands together then threw them up in the air.

"Always goes like that. He doesn't listen. I should start asking him about Wales."

"Don't go there, you don't need to."

Australia grumbled. "Yeah, I know. I'm just not sure yet, so how am I meant to answer honestly. Maybe I do like them, maybe I don't, how am I meant to know?"

"There's no rush to it."

"It feels like there is."

Australia had visibly gotten more upset.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." Australia was looking straight at the road. "I'm trying to figure it out, that's the best I can do for now."

Australia fiddled with the hem of his shirt. Denmark was satisfied with what they'd discussed, but he felt like it was a bit unfair.

"Hey Aus." Australia hummed in response. "I can tell you about my experiences if it'll help? Make it even as well, I don't want you to feel like only you have to spill your heart out."

Australia looked back at Denmark, he was obviously curious, but holding back.

"If you want." He just replied simply.

"I do." Denmark smiled. "Do you want me to drive you home first? You look cold."

Australia looked down at himself.

"Oh yeah. That'd be nice."

Denmark pulled back onto the road. Australia would be more comfortable at home, both of them would be, maybe they could talk more. He enjoyed talking to Australia. He was a very different person compared to Denmark. It was interesting.

"We should be there soon, I'll spill my heart out when you're warm and comfortable."

"No objection to that."

Denmark smiled. This was nice.

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