Part Nineteen

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"You're staring."


It's been a few weeks now. Friendship had been great. We've got good chemistry.

"Don't worry about it. Maybe I like the attention." He smiles.

He has a nice smile.

"I'm glad we're friends Aus."

Australia took a sip of his drink and smiled. "Of course. I enjoy your presence."

"Can I be honest with you?"

Australia quirked an eyebrow and takes another sip. "Don't see why not."

"I uh... I think."

Say it.

"I don't know.. Maybe we.. I.."

Come on Denmark.

"I think I know where this is going." Australia interrupted.

When is he going to stop doing that? It's tiring.

"Don't interrupt me, let me say this." Denmark struggled.

"I don't know if I want to hear it."

"What makes you think that? This could be news of the century." Denmark forced a smile and sarcastic scoff.

Australia sat and took a small breath.

"Aight I'm gonna shut up now. I know you love me it's fine." Australia rubbed the back of his head and stiffly smiles. "Right?"

Denmark stares for a second. He'd stolen the words from his mouth. What was he to say now?



"Sorry." Denmark rubbed his forehead. He was making this weird.

"Stop apologising but don't take your time I'm getting antsy." Australia was tense. What did he think was happening?"

"Australia." Australia stared. Hard. He was almost completely still. Like one of those creepy dolls on his grandmother's shelf.


Denmark brought his head down to the table, quickly, painfully.

"Jesus Denmark what the fuck?" Australia got up and leaned towards Denmark, making sure he was at least some what okay. Denmark looked up at Australia as he rubbed the newly red spot on his head.

Denmark swatted Australia's hand away and looked away, frankly, he was pretty flushed. "It's not working. Technical issues. Wait a second."

"The fuck are you talking about?!"

"My brain. It's stopped working. I can't think. I need a new one."

"How hard is it to say you don't want to be friends anymore?" Australia groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Denmark sat up and squinted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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