Part Eleven

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Australia sighed and quickly unwrapped the ice cream in his hands. Why was he so much less tolerant than before? Bickering, teasing, it all used to be pretty much nothing but words to Australia. Now, now it was getting to him and he didn't know why.

"So what's going on?" Denmark leaned onto the dashboard and looked at Australia.

"I don't know what you mean." Australia looked away.

Denmark narrowed his eyes and then looked away. "Look I'm guessing it's New Zealand, I saw him enter on my way to the checkout, but what has he been saying to get you this worked up?"

Australia started to bounce his leg. "It's a uh..." Australia searched for the right words. What could he say to properly describe this 'game' he and Zea had going on? "Game. He's very consistent and it's irritating." God he sounded like such a child.

Denmark blinked amazed, not in a good way either, that sounded so childish. "Pussy."

Australia perked up and stared at Denmark. Did he really just say that?

It took Denmark a moment to realise what he had said. "Woah woah woah. Did I say that out loud?" Denmark nervously laughed and looked away.

A small smile crept across Australia's face. "Ballsy cunt."

Denmark noticed Australia's smile. "Right on idiot."

"Cock sucker."

"Piss boy."

The two countries stopped momentarily. The silence was soon interrupted by Australia pushing back a growing laughter.

"Where did that come from?" Australia snickered.

"If only I knew!" Denmark smiled and remembered the ice creams the two had. Denmark's was almost finished and he had kept the wrapper on to catch any mess before but Australia's was slowly trickling down his arm. "You need a tissue." Denmark pointed out as he stepped out of the car with his  ice cream wrapper that was slowly dropping trickles of ice cream everywhere.

Australia looked at his arm and quickly shot himself out of the car finishing off the last of his ice cream and shaking his arms to get as much of the ice cream off as he could.

"Nah man fuck tissues we're going to the beach." Australia smiled as he jumped into the car.

Denmark nodded and quickly followed.

'Beaches are fun. This will be fun.'

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