Part Eight

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Denmark fiddled with the straw in his cup. Australia was hacking away at the food.

Australia looked over at Denmark, "Are you sure you're not hungry?"

"Never been fuller." Denmark faintly smiled.

"I thought you were an honest person." Australia raised an eye brow. "You know, you've earned a good reputation for that."

"Ja ja, jeg- I know." Denmark nodded. "I'm not hungry. I'm being honest about that."

Australia doubtingly nodded and Denmark continued to fiddle.

It was a nice day apart from the awkward exchanges between the two countries. Sunny with a beautiful breeze.

"It's pretty nice out," Australia spoke continuing to look down at the food, "I'll take you for some ice-cream if you want and we can call it quits there."

'Quits?' Denmark thought to himself.

"Uh, ja sure that sounds like a good idea." Denmark slowly nodded.

"Nice. We can have a couple gaytimes to finish this off." Australia smiled.

Denmark looked up at Australia slightly redder than usual. "Pardon? Gay times?"

"Gay times." Australia looked at Denmark. "Something wrong?"

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