Part Eighteen

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"Look, I've said it once, I'll say it again." Australia protested, obviously annoyed. "I don't have any questions, just tell me a cool story old man."

"Don't call me that!" Denmark scowled. "I need inspiration! I don't know what to say!"

The two had been bickering for almost twenty minutes now. Obviously, none of them had enough experience to tell a proper story, so they were stuck at a stalemate. Australia sucked at feelings and Denmark sucked at words. Maybe it was a checkmate.

"You say that but I know you've definitely had some sort of romantic tragedy." Australia leaned back against the wall he'd propped himself up against. "A guy like you is sure to get someone eventually."

"Ah- uh. Why do you say that?" Denmark asked eagerly.

"Got the looks, personality, skills, what's there not to want?"

Denmark was astonished. How could Australia say that so casually? God, he was so..

"Earth to Den10? I'm waiting on a news breaker here!" Australia leaned towards the other and tapped his knee.

"Even your nicknames are getting worse! There's no hope!" Denmark faked a dramatic sigh. "I'm devastated, you'll never find anyone.."

Australia scoffed and playfully shoved Denmark.

"How rude! I just told you the exact opposite. Maybe I'm lying to myself." Australia returned the dramatics with a faux frown.

They weren't getting anywhere. It was just going to keep going this way. They'd play around, get back on track, then go back to clown town. It was a vicious cycle of two idiots battling for the last braincell in the store, but they were having fun. Australia smiled, chuckled even. Denmark relished in his ability to entertain an audience. It was nice, but it'd soon come to bore the two.

"Okay, maybe we should try getting somewhere with this." Australia stretched and sighed. "You keep saying you've had no experience in the love department, is that really true?"


"Did you have crushes? Everybody has those right?"

"Good question."

"Do I get an answer?"

Denmark just hummed and smiled. Australia caught on and dragged them back on topic. Denmark smiled and sighed.

"Yeah I think I've had a couple." Denmark looked down at his fingers and counted. "Maybe not. I don't know."

"You're just as bad as I am! 'Spilling your guts out' my ass!"

"Hey to be fair, I focus on those who are close to me before I focus on others. If there isn't any room in my life, then there isn't time to care."

"I guess that makes sense."

Australia and Denmark sat and waited. Surely one of them would have something more interesting to say.

"This is like a couple of teenagers at a sleepover. We're adults. Why are we doing this?"

Australia chuckled in response. Denmark wasn't wrong. They had been sitting across from each other asking about crushes and stuff, giggling and making stupid jokes.

"Maybe we aren't adults. Maybe we're like twelve or something."

"Eh probably. Would explain why you're so drawn to things you shouldn't be."

Australia perked up with a confused look on his face.

"Uh. What?"

"Eightleggedmajesticbeast? The random forest we pulled up against?"

"I was just having fun."

"Mmmmhmmm twelve."

"Yeah nah! No way!"

"Uh huh!" Denmark chuckled and smiled. "You're twelve and there's no doubt!"

"You're acting more like a twelvie than I am?!" Australia shuffled back and pointed.


Australia smiled and shook his head slightly.

"We are a bunch of children."


The two smiled. Australia scooted back towards Denmark. They had nothing more to say. What now?



"I think I have something to say?" Denmark scratched the back of his head.

Australia sat and waited, raising an eyebrow in hopes of edging Denmark to saying whatever he was about to.

"Go on?" Australia tapped lightly on his knee.


Denmark paused, contemplating what he was going to say.

"I think we should be friends."

Australia looked puzzled.

"Are we not?"

"Ahhhhh no no no no. Not what I meant." Australia just got more confused. "I mean, like, actually friends."

"Does not change much? I thought we were already friends."

Denmark mumbled and rubbed his forehead, trying to think of better words he could use.

"I just wanted to say it officially you know?"

Australia nodded slowly.

"I think I get it."

"It's really not that hard." Denmark sighed and smiled. "I think you're cool, it'd be nice to have more friends, I just want to make sure we're on the same page."

"Ah, well, we are. Don't sweat." Australia smiled, finally understanding something coming out of his 'new' friend's mouth. "I'd love to be friends with you, don't sweat. Seriously."

"I'm glad."

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