Part Ten

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Australia had taken it upon himself to explain the fundamentals of the "Aussie language". He and Denmark obviously disagreed when Australia continuously applied that there wasn't much to Australian slang.

"You're hurting my head just give it a rest." Denmark rested his head in his hand and looked at Australia frowning.

"Alright alright." Australia chuckled. "It's not something you can just pick up and learn in a couple minutes."

Denmark threw a thumbs up at Australia and rubbed his head. He couldn't remember half the shit Australia said. Has he always been this talkative?

Australia briefly apologised and continued to focus on driving.

"I've got to thank you for trying though. Even though just thinking about the word Sanga stresses me out now." Denmark earned a small laugh from Australia as he apologised again. "That did mean sandwich though right?"

"Yeah good on you for remembering."

"Is barely call it remembering. You mentioned Snags, Sangas, Stevo whoever that is. It's more like an educated guess at this point." A small smile crept across Denmark's face.

"Well I've gotta thank you for trying." Australia mimicked and Denmark's smile grew.

"I was being sincere don't wipe me off like that!" Denmark smiled holding back a laugh.

Australia continued mimicking Denmark. God, it's been a while since someone had laughed at one of his stupid jokes. Most of his jokes came off in a bad way so no one really laughed. Fair reaction, he deserved it.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" Denmark sputtered in attempt to stop his laughter.

"I never took my eyes of the road Denny."

"Shut up I'm trying." Denmark tried to contain his smile and laughter. It was starting to hurt, and at such bad jokes too.

"Why don't I tell you some real jokes though aye mate? That'll get the joy pumping." Australia let a smug grin grow on his face. He knew what was going on.

"No no I think I'm good!" Denmark massaged his cheek. "You sounded dumb enough already I think that's enough entertainment."

"Aw you think I'm dumb? I'm flattered." Australia chuckled and Denmark let out an irritated sigh and continued to cover his mouth with his hand.

A small smile remained on Australia's face. This was nice, having a friend around, and someone who'd laugh at his lame attempts at comedy too what could be better?


"Hm?" Australia quickly broke his chain of thoughts.

"You passed the shop like five minutes ago."

"Did I?"

"Yeah pretty sure." Denmark looked back in the direction of the shop they'd passed. "I wanted to believe you had a plan but you looked out of it so I gave up on you."

"Thanks for that, we probably would've gone through a giant detour."

Denmark nodded and Australia made sure to take the next opportunity to make his way back to the shop.

"I'll just grab a box I'm sure Zea would like one too, when I get back." Australia stepped out of the car and locked up once Denmark had done the same. Australia quickly looked over the shop.

Denmark looked at the shop across from them and then back at Australia. "You good?"

"Yeah yeah just thinking." Australia fiddled with the keys in his hand thinking back on the last few nights. "They normally have some of Zea's chocolates here and drinks. I think I owe him one. I don't know."

Denmark thought for a second.

'Something did happen last night right? Is that what he's talking about?"

Denmark quickly stopped himself when he saw Australia heading towards the store and rushed to catch up.

Australia noticed and stopped. Denmark soon did the same.

"I'm just gonna go grab something I'll meet you at the freezers." Australia wandered off before Denmark could reply.

Denmark sighed and walked towards the freezers.

'What am I meant to be looking for?' Denmark thought as he trailed down the isle. How long was Australia going to take? It was cold and Denmark didn't want to look weird just blankly looking through all the ice creams.

Denmark repeated the names of the ice cream as he looked through the large amounts of other popsicles and ice creams in the freezer.

Denmark came across the small package of ice cream he was looking for and quickly removed it from the freezer.

'Australia said to meet here, but he's taking his time.' Denmark looked around for Australia but soon walked to the counter to pay and wait out the front of the store.

"Denmark!" Australia walked up to the other country seemingly agitated.

"Aus! I was just going to wait out front," Denmark grabbed the small box of ice cream and gently shook it, "it was getting cold and I-"

"Don't worry about it let's go." Australia hastily walked out of the shop with Denmark and to the car.

"Something happen?"

"Yeah just escaping unwanted conversations." Australia peered towards the store while jumping into the car.

Denmark held a couple ice creams and smiled. "Sugar break."

Australia smiled and took one of the icecreams. "Sugar break."

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