Part Three

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"Hej." Denmark smiled.

"That's how you're meant to greet someone. Maybe you two should hang out more." New Zealand leaned against Wales. "Maybe you'll learn something for once Australia."

Australia rolled his eyes. "Did you want me to call that taxi now Denmark?"

Denmark slowly looked down at his watch. Maybe it was time to head out. "Sure. Only if you and New Zealand won't start something as soon as I'm gone."

"Can't guarantee that so you better go."

Denmark sighed. "I'll see you two around."

Australia nodded cleaning the table up and walking outside with Denmark. What had happened earlier that night had sparked curiosity within Australia.

"How are you so honest?" Australia questioned Denmark, "You're known as the most honest you know."

"Ah. I guess it's just my nature." Denmark sat on a step awaiting his ride home. "Why do you ask?"

Australia shrugged. It wasn't important.

Australia leaned against the door way. It was still quite nice outside. How surprising. Normally it would be hot enough to fry an egg on his car but for now it was cool, calm, relaxing.

"That's my ride." Denmark stood up. "Thanks for having me over."

"It wasn't a problem." Australia smiled.

Denmark was soon on his way home. Now it was just him, Zea and Wales. Delightful.

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