Part Five

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'Fuck the sun.' Australia thought as he rolled over. When did he even end up going to sleep?

Australia groaned, sluggishly pushing himself off the bed and onto the floor. 'I think I'll just lie here.' Australia cracked a smile covering his eyes with his forearm. He was free from the sun's reach. 'Beat that.'

"Du ligner en idiot."

Australia hurriedly pushed himself off the ground and nervously laughed. "You forget something? Maybe a knock or..."

"I was let in." The Denmark smiled, why was he here?

"Yeah okay." Australia rolled his eyes. "I thought we sent you home last night?"

"Ja, you did," Denmark shook a small pair of keys, "I forgot something."

"How'd that end up with you being in my room mate?" Australia turned away and grabbed a fresh set of clothes.

Denmark frantically looked for an excuse. "I wanted to say hi... before I left.."

Australia nodded. "Is that all?" Australia faced the smaller country and leaned on the door frame.

Denmark shrugged and smiled. "It doesn't have to be."

"That's so vague." Australia stifled a laugh.

Denmark nodded wisely. "I know. So, you should make it not vague."

"How do I do that?" Australia raised an eyebrow.

"Make plans for the two of us." Denmark smiled.

"You're joking right?" Australia perked up.

"No, is that a problem for you?" Denmark's smile faded a bit.

Australia sighed. "Just let me go have a shower and we can sort it out."

"So is that a confirmation?"

"We'll see."

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