Part Fourteen

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Australia tapped his foot, humming along to the radio. Denmark hesitated.

"Of course you know this song."

"What do you mean?" Australia glanced at Denmark, "Lots of people know this song."

" No, no I mean, of course you know the song." Denmark sputtered. "It's a sing about you."

"Yah," The Australian smiled, "had it chucked at me enough to memorise the shit."

"Oh yeah? You should sing it for me not just hum it then."

"Sure, I charge by the minute. Just a couple greenies would do."

"G..greenies?" Denmark shifted in his seat and Australia laughed.

"Our money is awesome, it's colourful, coordinated. Greenies are top tier."


Australia got back to tapping his foot and humming. He himself had never used the term 'greenies' for the $100 notes, but he got a kick out of it, so who cared if he was now condemned to the usage of 'greenies'? He sure didn't. New nicknames made life easier, until of course he found nicknames for those nicknames. Speaking of nicknames.

"Oi Denman."


"Nicknames. We should give each other nicknames."

"I already gave you one!"

"Princess is invalid."

"Ouchie my heart." Denmark chuckled. "Would you rather Princey?"

Australia raised an eyebrow. "Sure. Your new name is now..." Australia stopped to think. He had so many nicknames already, none of them were really that fun though. "God you're lame, I can't think of one."

"That's a you problem."

"It's your fault for being boring."

"You're boring." Denmark retorted in defence.

Australia smiled as he let his mind wonder a bit. Denny sounded like that place America talked about so much, Denman sounded like some knockoff super hero, Dane was just unoriginal and that nickname is out of question, it did not sound platonic whatsoever.

A quiet, monotone hum filled the car as Australia thought.

"Look, whatever you're doing, stop before you lose your last braincell."

'Nickname, nickname, nickname...'


'Just one.'


"EIGHTLEGGEDMAJESTICBEAST." Australia spat out as he abruptly stopped humming and the adjacent country let a look of concern spread across his face, the amount of concern could've definitely matched the surprise in the taller country's eyes.

"Interesting.. choice.."

"What? No, the windscreen!" Australia took a hand off the steering wheel quickly to guide Denmark's eyes towards the spider huddled against the wipers. He quickly pulled over and turned to rummage for a small box.

Denmark stopped. There was no way he was bringing it inside right?

"I need paper." Australia mumbled as he made his way into the back of the car. "I'll just get him off the screen and.."

"Chuck them into the bush or whatever right?" Denmark interrupted and Australia stared, bewildered at the countries words.

"No. Of course not!"

"Say sike."

"No, I'm not kidding." Australia started digging around in the boot of the car for a single piece of paper to accompany the small plastic cup he had found.

'There's no way I'm hitching a ride with this idiot.' Denmark thought, head in his hands, until he heard quick foot steps and a knock on the windscreen.



Australia hushed him and quickly scooped up the spider using the cup and paper he'd found sitting somewhere among the new mess in the car. Denmark needed to clean out his car.

"Alright get out, Den." Australia looked up and shook his head towards the bushy landscape before he started walking towards it, Denmark soon at his tail.

"I thought.."

"I know," The taller country snickered and looked away from the slightly embarrassed Dane, "that was kind of the whole point."

'Of course.'

Australia gently placed the piece of paper and cup on the ground, opening the cup in the opposite direction to let the spider out. "He'll be dead soon I bet ya."

'Oh.' Denmark sighed. 'R.I.P. Eightleggedmajesticbeast. R.I.P.'


Hi there! It's me!

Sorry for not updating in ages! Hope this was worth the wait!

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