Part Six

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"So what did you want to do?" Australia sat across from Denmark. A warning would have been nice, it's hard to come up with ideas on the spot.

"I don't know that's why I told you to make the plans." Denmark rest his head on his hand. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. "Zea told me you'd like to hang out with me sometime so I'm really just going off a whim here."

"That's nice to know." Australia sighed. Why was Zea getting involved? His dumb little game was already far enough but now this?

Australia heard a small thud from across the table. "Oi Deno are you all good?"

"No, not really." Denmark sighed. "Did you just wanna grab some lunch and leave it at that? You know, a nice friendly lunch together."


"I don't have a problem with that. Free food." Australia grinned.

"Aha. No." Denmark looked up at Australia smiling. "I'll pay for my stuff you pay for your stuff."

"That's low Den."

"Strange coming from you." Denmark sat up. "You know, you're the 'Land down under' after all."

"Shut up." Australia chuckled.

"Make me." Denmark smiled.

"Is that a challenge?" Australia stood up.

"Last one to the car is the one who has to shut up." Denmark got out of his seat and hurriedly made his way out the door, Australia quickly gaining ground.

"This isn't fair I have to lock up." Australia abruptly stopped.

Denmark leaned on the car door. "Oh well. We can't all be winners."

Australia walked back to the front door and locked everything up. "The Olympics said otherwise."

"I get it." Denmark remarked.

"I sure hope you do." Australia chuckled. "Everyone wins in their own ways."

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