Part Thirteen

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Australia traced his hand through the sand. He thought back on everything his father had taught him about drawing. He was amazing, nothing he did ceased to amaze him.

Denmark made his way back towards Australia. He stared in awe at the patterns in Australia's work and then looked over the tattoo on Australia's
right arm recognising the similarity.

"Did you design you tattoo?" Denmark asked, startling Australia.

"My dad actually helped me. It was a drawing we did together when I was little." Australia thought back and smiled. "I decided to revamp it and get it done as a tattoo. It's something that'll always remind me of him."

Denmark put on a puzzled smile. He didn't know Britain could draw. Despite that, Denmark concentrated on Australia's drawing as it neared completion. It resembled a frog with odd but beautiful patterning. There were a few small doodles to accompany it as well. They varied from small doodles of other animals and...

"Woah isn't he a handsome looking guy!" Denmark laughed and Australia looked around, clearly confused.

Australia pointed at the drawing of Denmark and titled his head slightly. "Didn't take you for a guy with such an ego." Australia laughed and Denmark awkwardly smiled.

"I'm just comfortable in my own skin."

"I'd sure hope so, wouldn't want to see you wearing other people's skin." Australia snickered and Denmark held back a laugh.



"Suck eggs."

"What?" Australia shot Denmark a look of confusion.

"What you've never heard that one?" Denmark returned a unsettled look.

"No I have I have it just caught me off guard."

"If you say so." A small smile spread across Denmarks face. "Are you ready to go now?"

"Oh! Yeah I'm good to go."

"After you princess~" Denmark chuckled and Australia choked down a laugh and sighed.

"After me."

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