Part Two

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The two countries each had a couple of drinks, Australia winning over Denmark by a drink or two. There weren't many drinks in the fridge to begin with so their supply was running out fast.

"Oi I reckon we should wrap it up." Australia sighed, he didn't want to but he had things to do now.

"That sounds smart," Denmark rested his head on the palm of his hand, "I should be heading off soon anyway."

Australia slowly nodded and finished of the contents of the bottle in front of him. He couldn't help but wonder about New Zealand, it was a bit late, how was he getting home?

"We can call a taxi," Australia checked around for the time, "Zea will probably arrive later after you've left so I'll just stay up."

Denmark slipped a peek at the screen of his phone.

Almost 10:00. The others will just have to wait.

"How about this instead," Denmark smiled, "I'll stay here until New Zealand gets here. That way if he doesn't get here until, let's say 12:00 or something, you won't be alone for all that time."

Australia couldn't help but smile. "You don't have to, I'll be fine."

"I want to though. Maybe I can get you to tell me a few more stories?" Denmark titled his head slightly and Australia's smile grew.

"Sounds like a plan then." Australia lay back in his chair. "Let's hope he doesn't take too long I don't want to keep you here for longer than you need to be here."

"Don't forget the stories." Denmark chuckled. "It'd be funny to have you rambling like old folk about the wars."

"Well what did you want to know?"

"What's your most fond memory with New Zealand?" Australia was taken back a bit by that question, what was his favourite memory?

Australia hummed and stared at the ceiling. This would take a bit of backtracking. There were a few good memories, just no recent ones, times changed a lot.

There were the times the two would play in the empty paddocks as young colonies, frolicking about like wild Roos. Then there was the first time they met...

"That's too hard." Australia frowned. "There's either too many or too few I can't tell, ask about something else."

"That's no fun."

Australia shrugged.

Denmark sat and thought for a couple minutes. What was another thing he could ask about?

"Don't think too hard you look dumb."

"Tak. I strive to look as dumb as you someday."

"You're so predictable." Australia rolled his eyes. Denmark reminded him of someone though... Who was it?

"Knock knock," An unfamiliar voice made its way through a newly opened door, "delivery for Australia?"

"Nah man take it back I didn't order anything." Australia turned towards the door. What delivery service worked this late at night?

"See this is what I talking about Wales." New Zealand grumbled.

"It's past curfew." Australia smiled.

"You're not my Dad."

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