Part Nine

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Australia blinked and Denmark looked away.

"I think maybe it's just best to grab the ice-cream and go home.." Denmark suggested.

"Uh..." Australia starred at Denmark unsure of what he meant. "That's what I said?"

Denmark squinted at Australia covering his mouth.

Australia returned a blank stare and thought for a second.

"No. No no no not what I meant." Australia laughed. "Dinner first."

"Speak for yourself!" Denmark sighed in relief. "But what is that? An ice-cream?"

"Yeah bloody good one too." Australia smiled. "Zea calls them cookie crumbles though."

"And you call them gaytimes?" Denmark tilted his head slightly.

"Golden gaytimes yeah. I'll get you one, you have to try it."

Denmark nodded and smiled.

Australia had managed to finish off the food they ordered between conversations which surprised Denmark. He hadn't noticed Australia casually filling his mouth while Denmark was talking.

"You're finished. I can pay and we'll go get that ice cream yeah?" Denmark stood behind his chair.

"Yeah my shout." Australia soon stood behind his chair as well and Denmark made his way to the counter to pay.

Australia waited outside for Denmark and took a good look at his surroundings. Blue sky, fluffy white clouds, deep green grass and trees... It was almost as beautiful as a snag on a Sunday. Almost.

"Ready to go?" Denmark asked.

"No doubt. You're gonna love the ice cream." Australia perked up and Denmark smiled.

"Whatever you say." Denmark followed Australia to the car and hopped in. "Are you going to enjoy it?"

"Duh. It's a golden gaytime they're awesome." Australia chuckled.

"Right, dumb question." Denmark smiled and settled into his seat. "We should do this again, maybe when we know each other better. There's a communication barrier I need to learn more Aussie."

"It's the cuisine you need to touch up on mate."

"No I think I meant what I said. I barely understand some of the stuff you say." Denmark corrected the other.

"What? Like wallaby wallaby dingo prawn and a roo?"

"Now you're just naming animals to confuse me that's low." Denmark smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Aw but, dingo dingo wallaby koala roo." Australia snickered.

"Tak. Jeg hater det." Denmark looked out through the window and smiled more.


"Hvad? You can't understand? I think you need to touch up on your Danish."

"Aha. You're funny." Australia smiled.

"I know right? Funnier than dingo dingo wallaby koala roo."

"Yeah nah that was hilarious."

Denmark stopped, confused. "Yeah nah? Is the opposite of, whatever that means, nah yeah? Sounds like something you'd do."

"Quick learner."

"Tak." Denmark nodded. "But what does that mean?"


Denmark nodded. This was going to take a long time to get used to.

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