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As some of you might notice, I have been absent for the longest time possible and it's probably time to address it. BTW I hope that those who read my works are at least mentally 18 so I don't have to deal with childish comments. Please be mature and respect my decisions.

The unfortunate thing is (or fortunate if you think my writing is cringe, which it might be) I have lost interest not only in the game but also in writing fanfiction as well. There are multiple reasons for this which I will address later, but I think it's time to say that my fanfiction journey has come to an end for now.

Reasons. If you have been following me ever since the first fanfiction I've posted, you would realise that I first published one fic per week, then things slowed down after a couple of months until it eventually stopped. The main reason for this was because I had a 2-month break where I basically had nothing to do. It was then that I decided to start posting fanfiction because for some reason I found it fun. After that my school life resumed and like always, the first few months of the course are always fine but gets exponentially hectic as time progresses. To put it simply, I just don't have the time to write anything because the time is either spent on classes, homework or even when I do have free time, it's not spent on writing fiction, ie piano. I do compositions as well but even that has come to a stop for the time being. 

Just a small fun fact: I planned to have an entire self-composed playlist for 'Stairway to Your Heart' and in fact, two of the songs are done. But since I've decided to wipe that cringey shit off the face of the earth, the playlist would also not be published. I do like the songs, though, reminds me of Ghibli.

This brings me to my second point. If you had tried writing fiction, even a simple 1000 words story would take hours if you are running low on inspiration and that's what happened to me. I find it hard to write a scene into words and not physically cringe at it, even though I spend the previous night thinking about how the plot would progress. Because I've got nothing to write, I've got nothing to publish. Simple as that. In my defence, I did try writing fics but after spending hours with nothing worth publishing, I just stopped trying.

And quite unfortunately, I've also lost interest in the game. This has nothing to do with the VA situation since I do not like the English VA's in the first place (the Chinese ones are significantly better). I play on full mute. The game just got so boring to the point where I've not really been keeping in touch with the content. Unlike the average human who plays otome games, I played MLQC for the cards ONLY, not the plot, not the dates, nothing else. Just the cards. So when the one I want (breathless) took piss long to release my patience just went out the window. 

Those are the main reasons. If you have been waiting for the next chapter of the fic but see this instead, then ya. 

Before I move on, I'd first like to thank you if you have been reading this fanfic. I've been #1 on the charts way back when I regularly uploaded and that was something that made me really proud (wish I had screenshots but I don't). You might or might not have noticed but my writing style is somewhat different from those you get on AO3 or even other Wattpad fics, solely because I prefer writing something more light-hearted and comedic, even if it's cringe. I guess it worked out since so many of you actually enjoyed it, so that's a plus at least. In hindsight, I'm glad that I've started this because I can maybe use it in my CV if it ever comes to that. Having 10k views for a collection of shitty stories is certainly an accomplishment and it makes me happy that my stories can make you laugh as much as I did while writing. (Yes, I do read comments and my favourite comment thread is the one on Marmite just because people don't know what it is and I respond with "good shit" instead of giving a proper answer.) I'll also mention that it's great that people who are not from where I live are reading my fiction (highest 3: USA, Canada and Philippines) but yeah, it's great.

Just before I disappear and never return again, here are some questions you probably have and that I should probably answer:

1. Does anyone irl know that you write fanfics? They do, but they don't know which and what fics I write.

2. Is Y/N male or female? I feel like I've explained this before, but in most fics Y/N can be both genders (or non-binary), just because I know that there are male Victor stans too and rarely do we get fics where Y/N is not a whiny, crying bitch (partly why I hate MC). Please don't treat Y/N as MC. 

3.  Will you be uploading unpublished drafts? I do have quite a lot of it but no, I won't. Only reason I keep them is so I can cringe and laugh at them when I'm older.

4. How big is your team? Just me.

5. If you're low on inspiration, why not accept requests? Autonomy. It's like the saying "you give them an inch, they'll take a mile". I don't want anyone, especially no-names on the internet, to be flooding my dm's with requests or screaming at me for not writing the fic like how they imagined it in their wet dream. As you grow older you'll realise how important having control over your own work is. 

Also: half of the time your requests/prompts can be found on Tumblr or Pinterest or whatever. Chances are, I looked at the prompts and didn't like them so I didn't write about them. Imagine having 100 fics of fucking MC and Victor cooking together. I'm not gonna contribute to that.

6. Favourite story? The fried chicken one. Least favourite is fluffy mornings, pet-sitting and musical date (the one with Cats). Those are fucking boring.

7. What is Marmite? Fucking Google it for fuck's sake. It's good shit.

I will say, if you are expecting an apology from me, give up. I made my gratitude clear and I am satisfied with how things turned out: it's for the best. There's nothing to be apologetic or sorry about. I (probably) made your day better with my fics and you made my day better by reading them. It's a business transaction: I stop producing, you stop consuming, neither of us should feel bad about it. 

Anyway, that should be about it. Thanks again and bye. It's been fun and I hope you had fun too all this while. 

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