Sick Victor

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Remember about the drizzle? Yeah somehow it got worse right as you thought it wouldn't, but luckily both of you managed to get back to the apartment before rain just snowballed to the point where it was near impossible to walk in without getting sick, which it did.

And the great news is, you managed to get your hot shower and a cup of ginger tea before you sleep, meaning that you were all energized and feeling well the next morning. Last night was the first time in ages when you actually got proper sleep instead of 3 hours spent tossing and turning: you would like to thank a very specific someone who lives next door for that.

That someone, however, wasn't so fortunate and caught a cold after running in the rainstorm because he tried to act tough and gave you his coat, leaving him with no protection from the rain whatsoever. You did force him to take a hot shower and drink some ginger tea but he still caught a cold for some odd reason.

That was the only time you could say "jokes on you" right in Victor's face since he was rarely, if not never wrong about anything.

But the more important thing is taking care of that dummy, which is why you were rummaging through his kitchen cabinets trying to find a can of soup or something that you could use to feed a sick and picky Victor.

You found a box of what seemed to be soup or was the closest thing to soup since most of the things in Victor's cupboard were in Chinese, except for a few others which weren't soup.

But it did have a picture of a chicken in a bowl and what seemed to be liquid so...

After all, how bad can it be, right?

Turning the box over to the back, it was to no surprise that everything was written in Chinese as well but at least there were numbers and pictures which would be as much help as you can get without forcing the poor boy to get out of bed. The odds of you fucking things up even though they had pictures were very slim in the first place.

If you messed things up, Victor would probably have to save his kitchen from burning down.

"Not today Satan, not today."

You ripped open the box and tore open one of the packages, taking a sniff before deciding that it was safe and dumping it into a pot of boiling water. A few more stirs later and it was done and luckily, it was chicken soup instead of some other weird thing that wasn't soup.

But then there's the porridge, which you've made too many times to the point where you could do it blindfolded (not).

Victor was still resting when you went into his room with the soup and porridge, looking all cosy and adorable while wrapped up in a blanket.

You tried to get in as quietly as you could, setting the food down on his nightstand while resisting the urge to play with his soft-looking hair (fetish? Maybe).

"What are you doing," Victor said (he never asks) in his raspy voice, sitting himself up from his bed.

"I made you lunch!" You blew on a spoon of chicken soup and brought it to Victor's lips, which made him flinch and back away with a frown on his face.

"I can *cough* feed myself." Victor reached out to grab the spoon, but you dropped the spoon back into the bowl immediately and slapped his hand away, very gently, before proceeding to bring another spoon of chicken soup to his lips.

"Idiots who can't take care of themselves should shut up and be fed."


Somehow you could swear that Victor's glare on you intensified but he reluctantly opened his mouth and let you feed him for the first time ever.

"*cough cough* Disgusting."

"Hey, I made it for you!"

"不过如此. (It's just soup.)"



But at least he allowed you to feed him for a second time.

And a third time.

Treating Victor like a baby was honestly more fun than you could ever imagine, especially when he tries to grab the spoon every once in a while to stop you cooing and spooning food into his mouth. If anything it actually made it worse because you got to tell Victor off for not behaving as a sick person should.

"For the sixth time, Victor, let me feed you."


"Then don't catch a cold next time, you idiot."


After a very long and tiring hour spent trying to feed Victor, which would've honestly been much quicker had you let him feed himself, you managed to force him to go back to sleep and get some rest while you clean everything up.

When you returned to his room, Victor seemed to have not fallen asleep. Instead, he leaned his back against the headboard, typing away on his laptop as if your stern gaze on him wasn't intimidating enough.

"Victor Li Zeyan, didn't I tell you to rest?"

"Idiots don't *cough* tell me what to do *sniff*," Victor said as he grabbed a tissue and blew the mucus out from his nose, tossing it into the trash can next to his bed.

"You're an idiot for getting sick." You huffed and stormed over to his bed, taking his laptop away and slamming it shut. Victor, somehow, had been more difficult to deal with when he was sick, which was surprising even for him. "Now sleep."


"Why do I even bother?" You muttered under your breath and crawled into bed next to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and snuggling into his warmth.

"What are you doing."

"Cuddling helps babies sleep easier," you said while burying your face into his chest, listening to the gradually quickening pounding of his heart.


Victor wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled you closer into the hug, his sharp and warm breath tingling on your nape while sending chills down your spine.

"Can you sleep now?"



"You make me want to stare at that idiotic face of yours."

You slid your hand down and pinched his bicep, nuzzling closer into his chest as he let out a soft and low chuckle.

"I did not realise how much I missed you after that night," you said as you planted a light kiss on his collarbone.

"I'm here now, you dummy." He started lightly patting your back as if he was trying to lull you into sleep.

"Dream of me when I sleep." You yawned and closed your eyes, thinking of all the good and happy thoughts of Victor as you slowly let them carry you into your dreams.

"Dream of me, too..."

"I love you, dummy."

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