Fluffy Mornings with Victor Li

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Streams of golden sunlight shafted through the blinds and landed onto your face. Nestling in the warmth of your blanket, you groaned as your eyes darted to the clock that hung on the opposite wall of the room.

You still had precisely 27 minutes of sleep before you had to wake up.

You reached put towards the nightstand to grope for your phone. But instead of touching whatever that was on the nightstand, your hand came in contact with something firm, warm and silky.

Blinking away the sleepiness, you looked towards your hand, a dumb grin forming on your face as you found out what that 'firm, warm and silky' thing was. It rested lazily on Victor's chest, which heaved lightly with every quiet breath.

And it dawned on you that you slept on the wrong side of the bed yesterday. The alcohol had risen to your head and all you could remember from last night was a party to celebrate Miracle Finder's first-ever award.

Victor hummed and slowly opened his tired eyes. He raised his hand to hold yours, lacing his fingers with yours as his hand warmed yours up. His messy hair dangled across his amethyst eyes, which glistened like jewels under the gleaming sunlight.

His lips tugged into a smile at the sight of you.

"Good morning, Y/N."

Victor leaned forward to press a kiss on your hand. He rubbed his thumb over your knuckles, waiting for your reply (which he doesn't normally get).

You grumbled in reply to his greeting, and Victor chuckles at your attempt to make him frown; which he doesn't, but hey, it was a good try.

Squirming your way closer towards Victor, you wrapped your arms around his neck, breathing in his scent as you burrow your face into his sculpted chest.

"You know I have to work today, right?" He ran his fingers through your hair: his warm fingers combing through your oily, knotted strands.

"Don't. Care." You whined and tightened your embrace around him.

"Babe I've got a meeting with the sponsees for an upcoming event." Victor tried to wrestle free from your hug, but you didn't want to let go of him, like how he has to yank your blanket away from you every morning.

You whined louder and started flailing, playfully jabbing Victor on his chest. So the sponsee is more important than you now? Some random person, whom you've never met, is more important to your boyfriend than you?

"Fine." You pouted and let go of him, turning away just so you don't have to see his face.

Victor chuckled and hoisted himself up from the bed. His almost naked body glowed in the sunlight which meandered around the contours of his beautifully defined abs. Despite him putting on a frown most of the time, he looks especially peaceful and soft in the mornings.

You peeked at your boyfriend from underneath the blanket, watching his adam's apple bob as he gulped down a glass of water: something he always does when he wakes up. Victor grabbed his towel from the rack and stripped himself naked, revealing his erection before he wrapped the towel around his waist.

He turned to look at you once again, shyly averting his gaze when he noticed that you were looking at him all along. You tried to hide your blush by pretending to sleep, giggling at the sharp hiss when the shower turned on.

"Y/N, can you turn on the water heater for me? It's freezing."

You chose to ignore his pleas and decided to just sleep until Victor is done showering.


You came out of the shower after a long, relaxing bath. At least you smelt of mandarin oranges and lavender instead of whiskey from the night before. Victor's slight pout and sad eyes still floated in your mind and you can't help but smile at the fact that Victor looked like a sad puppy because he had to bathe in cold water.

Victor was already dressed in his constricting dress shirt: the one that he always wore when he worked out the previous day. He also wore glasses instead of his usual contacts, which was understandable since he had to leave in a few minutes. His tie was haphazardly knotted as it dangled loosely on his neck (whether if it was on purpose you didn't know). Also, his top button was undone, revealing his sexy chiselled collarbone. Guess he'll fix it later in the car.

He sat at the table of the dining room, spreading marmite on a toast as he watched the news on his phone.

"Who the fuck even likes marmite?"

Victor looked up and stopped spreading his marmite. He stabbed the knife back into the jar: if it was any other spread you would be furious about since it would leave crumbs in there. But it didn't really matter since Victor was the only one who actually eats marmite and doesn't mind crumbs in his spread.



You went over to the fridge and grabbed the last carton of milk. You also took the last bowl of cereal, which to your dismay was the worst-case scenario, since now you have too little milk and too much cereal.

"That's karma for you," Victor smirked as he munched on his marmite toast with a slice of cheese, something he liked to have at least 5 days a week.

"Whatever," You spooned a mouthful of dried cornflakes into your mouth, the shards of stale, tasteless chips absorbing the moisture on your tongue. You forced yourself to swallow it down as the crumbs tickled at your throat.

"I'm coming over to your office later at 1 for a meeting." It took you a good 5 seconds to register what he said as Victor shoved the last bite of toast into his mouth, chewing at his food while talking to you. It was a common habit of his, but only at home.

"Ya, and?"

"Then I can bring you out for lunch?"

"I'm not sure if I want to have lunch with you in the first place."


"Then do you want me to bring you anything?"

Just bring your cute ass over.


"You know I don't have enough time to make it, you dummy."

Victor sighed, getting up from his seat while dusting off the bread crumbs from his hand. Checking the time on his watch, he downed the last sip of his coffee and walked towards you.

He leaned down and pecked you on your forehead, the scent of his cologne and shampoo overflowing your senses. Victor always smelt nice, though you never had the chance to ask him what type of cologne he uses.

"I have to leave now." Victor refilled his flask with coffee and dumped the coffee maker into the sink because he expects you to wash it.


You got up and strode towards him, tiptoeing and pressing a kiss on his lips. Victor blushed at the sudden affection, coughing twice to hide the red that's blooming at his cheeks.


Victor, for once in his goddamn miserable life, bent down and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug: one that almost squeezed the life out of you, but you are willing to die in this man's hands.

"But you're my dummy. And I love you for that." Victor pressed another kiss on your lips before heading out of the door.

Once he left the door, it was as if the world had slowed down, and you can't wait for the meeting at 1.

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