Family Visit pt 1

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Don't you hate it when your parents just show up at your doorstep on a very random Tuesday evening, claiming that they missed their child?

Well, jokes on you because a little less than a minute ago you were planning to meet up with Kiki and Goldman to have a mall trip after spending the previous night calculating all your expenses. These trips were very rare in the first place considering neither of you was as rich as Victor, except for Kiki, maybe (she never seemed to be short of cash until the moment she has to treat everyone to lunch). All the more reason to be looking forward to a whole day that consists of mostly window shopping instead of actually buying stuff.

And now you would have to stay at home to entertain your parents instead. How fun.

As expected, Kiki was furious with your sudden change of plans and decided to go on a 'date' with Goldman instead, even though they seemingly hate each other. The raid in your apartment began with your father inspecting every corner of your apartment to see if there is a hidden boyfriend/girlfriend; your mother complaining at the tiniest speck of dust lying on the countertop; your brother rummaging through your drawers for food that is not instant noodles. Which, lucky for you, was all that you had in your drawers.


"What's this?" You froze at the sound and turned to look at what your brother found, which was exactly what you didn't want him to find. In his hand was a box of mint chocolate flavoured pocky.

But it wasn't just any box of pocky. Victor bought that for you, claiming that they were a free gift for spending $20 dollars on groceries.

All the more reason that they were precious.

"Give that back you little brat," you stormed over to your 13-year-old brother and yanked the pocky out of his hand.

"Y/N, you better share with your brother, or else."

"This is my pocky, mom."

"Do you not know the meaning of share?"


You tore open the package and handed your brother the shortest stick of pocky, keeping the rest for yourself. And no, you weren't about to share Victor's love, not now, not never.

At least the glare you gave him was enough to shut him up until your mother decided that she would be making dinner, which was one of her ways to destress after nitpicking about every single thing that was wrong with your mess of an apartment.


Dinner was as boring as usual, with your parents constantly asking you the most irrelevant questions that they already know the answer to.

Such as:

"How's school?"

The answer to that would always be "meh" since school is, well, meh.

But at least today was one of those days when you don't have to rely on instant noodles or Victor for dinner.

What is Victor having for dinner, anyway? It must be something really good, as usual. You saw him buy lots of baking ingredients just the other day, so maybe pizza? Or just bread. Either of those sounded delicious, especially when Victor is the one making them.

One thing about zoning out was that you always missed the most important questions, like the one your mother had just been asking you a few seconds ago.

"Bla bla bla bla bla boyfriend bla bla bla..."

You choked on your soup when she mentioned the word boyfriend since usually when Asian parents do that, there would never be an answer that satisfied them.

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