Sunday Morning

610 16 1

*Disclaimer:* There will be mentions of masturbation in this chapter so do proceed with caution.

Imagine waking up in bed, golden rays of sunlight streaming through the window shafts and onto your face. There are way more pillows on the bed that you would ever need, each having its own unique design and texture: some had tassels, some had lace and some were just plain, but each special in their own way.

The humidifier had been turned on to make sure the room wasn't dry due to it being in the middle of winter; the air just dampened enough that you didn't have to wake up with a sore throat. It smelt of lemongrass and ginger that wasn't too overpowering to the point where it concealed the smell of the person you love.

You shifted in bed, planting your face into a pillow as you took a deep breath, letting the smell fill your nose. As the scent of mandarin oranges and honey flooded your senses, a dumb grin spread across your face, all the good thoughts of Victor now in your mind.

"Wake up."

You grumbled and slapped the hand gently patting your face away, hugging the pillow closer to your face. This could seriously be considered as a drug if it was so addictive.

"Wake up, idiot."

This time it wasn't a slap but rather a pinch on the cheeks. And if that wasn't enough, someone was trying to wrestle the pillow away from you.

You grumbled and reluctantly lifted your eyelids, glaring at Victor with your blurry vision. So much about the person you love: if he did this every morning, it wouldn't be long before you rented another house instead.

"What do you want."

Victor chuckled and handed the pillow back to you. "Good morning?"

You huffed and rolled yourself out of the blanket, sliding into the fuzzy slippers that Victor, for one odd reason or another, had lying in his cupboard. All the more reason to question why he had them when they had Peppa Pig printed all over the slippers.

"What time is it?"

"10 in the morning."

"Hmm," you hummed and did a morning stretch, tilting your head sideways and cracked your neck. A yawn managed to escape your mouth and it was only then that you realised how terrible your breath smelled.

"Gimme 20 minutes," you said, shuffling past Victor towards the bathroom.

But before you could go any further, Victor pulled you back and bent down, placing a kiss on your cheek.

"Make it quick," he whispered in your ear, his voice lower than it usually was.

He left the room as if nothing had happened, leaving you alone while you gaped at his audacity. It wasn't even past noon yet and Victor was already making you feel needy.

You slumped against the shower wall, staring at the droplets of water on the glass while mindlessly brushing your teeth. The thought that Victor looked especially hot in the morning just came to your mind, thinking back on all the times when Victor's looks managed to catch you off guard when you were barely even awake.

Not today, hormones. You will not provoke me this early on a Su-

You let out a moan of pleasure, letting all your lust spill out onto the tiles of Victor's shower. You were so caught up in your fantasies that it somehow shocked you when your gaze landed on your hands, then to the milky fluid that started making its way towards the shower drain.

Guess 20 minutes was just way too short if you were to remove the smell, as well.

You slapped yourself in the face and reached for the shampoo, another devious thought crossing your mind. If you smelled exactly like Victor, would it turn him on, too? But seriously, you've seen this shampoo brand on the shelves and they weren't cheap. Maybe that was why Victor smelled so heavenly.

"Fuck off, Victor. I'm trying to take a bath here."

You took one more sniff of the bathroom to make sure it smelled of only mandarin oranges and nothing else before grabbing a random towel, patting yourself dry. Some idiot forgot to pack an extra set of clothes so they had to resort to wearing the sweater they wore last night.

Victor was nowhere to be seen when you entered the living room. You looked around to see if you could find him but instead got distracted by the smell of pancakes and...was that Nutella sauce? That was just too tempting to be ignored.

You scanned your surroundings one more time before deciding that it would be alright to just take a tiny bite of the pancakes since Victor had apparently vanished. You grabbed a fork and cut off a small bite, along with a slice of banana, shoving it into your mouth.

"Apparently the idiot is just too hungry to wait for me."

Victor's cold voice almost made you choke on the pancakes as you slowly turned towards him, trying not to look guilty. You gulped and opened your mouth to speak, only to be disappointed by the nervous chuckle that came out instead.

"I'm going to have to punish you," Victor said nonchalantly as he walked towards you, his face void of any emotion whatsoever.

"Victor, please, I-." You tried to step backwards as Victor walked closer and closer until you were caught between his body and the wall. Victor was just close enough that could feel him breathing right down of your face. He leaned forward and his face inched closer towards yours and you closed your eyes, tempted to tiptoe to press a kiss onto him. And oh, his breath was heavenly, as much as you didn't like coffee in the first place.

You felt as Victor's lips caressed the corner of your mouth, his tongue gently licking sending shivers down your spine. The heat rushing up to your face wasn't anything but obvious, either, but clearly Victor was taking his sweet time with the kiss.

Victor finally pulled back after a while, staring into your eyes with a type of affection and fondness that only both of you could recognize. His grin was more precious than anything you have ever seen, one that he would absolutely scowl at but to you, he looked even better in it than the cold front he had on regular days.

"Guess the sauce wasn't too sweet," he whispered.

"Finish your breakfast." Victor licked his lips and kissed the tip of your nose, the ticklish feel making you giggle. "We're making cookies later."

You reached your hand out and pinched his cheek, cooing at his cuteness, making him grumble and step back until he was out of your reach.

"Since when has Mr Tsundere become so sappy?"

Victor rolled his eyes and the smile was no longer there, only a frown. He turned to refill his mug with coffee and although he had his back facing you, you just knew that he was trying to hold back his smile.

"You're an idiot," he said while faking a cough after your successful attempt at exposing his softer side. "Now eat, or is that too hard for you to comprehend."

"What if I want you to feed me?" You challenged.

Victor's eyes widened and tried to look for words to counter what you just said, although the only thing that came out was a faint pink blooming on his cheek.


You win some, you lose some. But at least there were cookies to look forward to so that's a plus, especially when Victor is taking part in making them.

A/N: I might have just rewritten Fluffy Mornings but with a different setting, whoops. 

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