Musical Date

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Note: Despite the title, this fic doesn't focus on Cats all too much so I hope that's fine.

Is it fair to stereotype music students as people who enjoy musicals, no matter how terrible they are?

Maybe. But you know Victor likes musicals, even though you're not too crazy over them. They're fine and sometimes you would stumble upon one that you actually enjoy, like Dear Evan Hansen (which managed to make you tear up by the time it finished) and Phantom of the Opera.

But then there are those that make you question why you are even bothering to sit through the whole show instead of just leaving during the intermission. Maybe it has something to do with Victor wanting to watch them till the end and can and will make you feel bad for leaving him there alone, not that he actually cared about it.

Back to the point, Love Never Dies was one of those horrible musicals, despite the songs in it being really good if not better than its prequel. Bathing Beauty had you singing in the shower for weeks, it was just the plot that was terrible. It was like Erik himself wrote a fanfiction and turned it into a musical.

And what musical is Victor wanting to watch today?


Yes, Cats. Not the one with horrifying CGI; the one with equally horrifying costumes instead, but it is more tolerable than...whatever Hollywood puked out.

To be fair, you haven't watched either, but judging by the comments and the rating of the movie adaptation it was terrible. Luckily today the one both of you would be watching is the 1998 stage show, which looked much more promising than its atrocious counterpart.

Which is how you found yourself sitting on Victor's couch as he prepared some food for you because you complained that you were hungry and didn't want to skip even a second of the musical.

"Here," Victor said as he walked over to the couch and handed you a bowl of what looks to be a salad with little to no dressing. Noticing your immediate frown as you expectantly gazed into the bowl, a smirk stretched across his face as he felt a sense of schadenfreude and victory. "What."

"You're doing this on purpose." You jabbed at his arm, which was clearly too weak to make him flinch or even feel any pain.

"Do you want to eat it."

"I hate you," you muttered under your breath while stabbing a piece of lettuce and shoving it into your mouth, angry at Victor for making a salad out of all the things he could've made. Not that he was broke or that he didn't have anything in his fridge. Even instant noodles were better than this.

"Shut up."

Victor took a sip from his mug, his eyes not tearing off from the screen. Apparently, he bought the DVD for this musical sometime ago but just didn't have the time to watch it, but at least now you got to watch it for free.

As much as you hated the salad, it was by no means unpleasant, just that you would've preferred something else instead. Victor's cooking was above average, that's why he could make a salad taste really good, even to someone who doesn't really fancy vegetables.

You were spearing some croutons onto your fork when you lifted your gaze and saw an actor dressed like a weird-looking cat, startling you to the point where you almost dropped the bowl. Holy shit this looked...odd. Not nearly as horrible as cats with human faces plastered onto them but still.

"Scared?" Victor turned to look at you, trying to stifle a laugh at you getting frightened by a stage production.

You gave Victor a hard slap on his arm, scooching over to the far end of the couch so you would maintain as much distance as possible between you two. The cats were now singing a song about, well, cats while dancing to a really intense choreography, one you never would've thought would be possible to dance to while singing.

"Don't worry, I'm here," Victor said as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer and eventually into his side. He laid his head on top of yours, smiling as he tangled his fingers with yours.

As the smell of mandarin oranges and honey overwhelmed your senses, you felt a soothing warmth rise up to your cheeks even though clingy Victor has already made multiple appearances ever since you've met him.

"I hate you so much."


Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats was actually a pretty good song to start off the musical (if you exclude the overture) since you enjoyed it a lot. Judging by the fact that Victor began silently humming you could safely assume that he liked it too.

"Victor, are you humming?"


"I never thought Mr Tsundere liked upbeat songs about cats doing cat stuff."

"Shut up."

"Oooohhh, you're blushing?" You cooed while pinching at his reddening cheeks, chuckling at his face full of disgust. What a cutie, even when he's angry.

"Stop it," Victor said as he wrenched your hand away from his face, giving you an annoyed look. "Idiot."

"What are you going to do about it?"



Victor lunged forward and pinned you down on the couch, his face just close enough that if you were to lift your head up just slightly your lips would meet his.

"Do not. Try me."

His voice was just barely above a whisper but somehow his words resonated throughout your whole body, sending a shiver down your spine as excitement began to boil in your veins. In the background, the cats sang a song about all the different kinds of names of cats, which neither of you were paying attention to since it was almost gibberish. What kind of name is Jellylorum anyway?

"Sorry." Your breath trembled as the words struggled to escape your mouth, mostly due to Victor's gaze and something else that began to harden. His raven black hair that dangled from his head was just long enough to tickle at your forehead as he slowly leaned forward.


"What," Victor said impatiently as he pulled back a little.

"I'm...not ready for this."

You swear the look of disappointment in his eyes made you die a little inside but that was the truth. Your feelings for Victor weren't deniable, nor were his feelings for you, it was just that this relationship needed to be more...mature before this can happen.

The kiss last time was just you being cheeky, nothing else. There wasn't any actual heat or meaning behind that kiss other than to thank him for everything, which might have made Victor misinterpret the situation between you two.

But think of it as kimchi. The cabbage has to take the time to be fermented in order for it to be preserved, just like your relationship.

"I'm sorry." Victor let go of your arms and sat you up on the couch, hesitating if he should hold your hand while watching the musical, or not.

"Don't worry about it." This time it was you who reached your hands, curling around his arm as you rested your head on his shoulder while he played with your hair.

The rest of the musical passed really quickly in silence, except for the occasional bicker and jokes, like when Victor said that you looked like Bustopher Jones, which was offensive since you weren't fat in the first place.



"I'm sorry for what happened just now."

"Victor I said it's fine." You curled your arm around his torso and nuzzled into his side. "I still love you, if you're wondering. Not love love, but like, this is hard to explain, but-"

"Dummy." Victor cracked a smile as he pulled you closer and pinched your cheek, a smile spreading across his face. "I love you too."

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