Grocery shopping pt 1

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On some days you would complain about having one too many slices of bread lying around your kitchen table, to the point where you couldn't finish it in time and it gets mouldy.

On some days, however, you bought way less bread than you thought you needed, resulting in you having to either starve yourself or walk out of your house at 8 in the morning, two hours before your lecture, to get more loaves of bread.

And sometimes the latter seemed like a perfectly good option to question your sanity, 'cause who wouldn't want to enjoy some nice, glaring rays of sunshine and car fumes the moment you leave your apartment unit. Life could not be better.

Until you eventually realised that they ran out of white bread, leaving only the wholemeal ones looking as sad and droopy as ever since no one ever liked wholemeal bread, except for Victor, he seems like the type to like wholemeal bread. This convenience store seemed to restock on Tuesdays for some peculiar reason, but somehow you always needed bread on Tuesdays: you would never resort to wholemeal bread, ever.

You groaned and grabbed an overpriced tuna sandwich from the shelf, cursing under your breath as you tossed it onto the counter and handed the cashier a handful of coins you wanted to get rid of. He glared at you with resent in his eyes, slowly counting the coins one by one until he made sure that you paid the right amount before sarcastically wishing that you have a nice day.

Sighing as you walked out of the store, you unwrapped the sad-looking sandwich and reluctantly took a bite out of it. As bad as it sounds, it tasted like crap compared to the sandwiches Victor makes.

Speaking of Victor, is he awake? Not to be mean, but if he was, you could probably make him make you breakfast and you wouldn't have to take another bite out of this disgusting sandwich.

Guess there's only one way to find out.

Like any other day, there were some other people using the elevator even at this early in the morning. You got into the elevator and scanned your card, tucking yourself into the least crowded corner of the elevator to avoid any unnecessary interactions with the other human beings around you.

Fortunately for you, most of the other people got off before you did, so at least you had some time alone...but the stench of sweaty people that just came back from their run was still wafting throughout the elevator and it was horrible.

You tried to distract yourself by playing this new otome game with four really hot guys in it, smiling when your favourite called you an idiot for failing yet another report.

"You're smiling like an idiot."

The voice that suddenly came from the elevator startled you, making you jump and look up to see where it came from.

"Victor?" Your face brightened as you saw him walking into the elevator and taking the spot next to you, sweat trickling from his face down to his neck and percolating through the upper hem of his shirt and his drenched back. And for the first time since you met Victor doesn't smell nice. "You smell terrible."

"Whatever. What's that," Victor said (the way he said it sounded nothing like a question) as he pointed towards the sad-looking droopy sandwich in your hand, already half-eaten despite how much you disliked it.

"Cheap sandwich. They ran out of white bread."


"Hate it." You shoved the last bits of the sandwich into your mouth, dusting the bread crumbs away by wiping your hands on your sweatpants. "They never seem to restock whenever I need it."

There was a long pause before anyone decided to speak again: it was nowhere near uncomfortable, though, Victor's presence had always been enjoyable, as mean as he could be on a daily basis. Somehow this elevator ride seemed longer than it would normally do but hey, you're not complaining (not when there's a hot sweaty guy standing right next to you), not everyone got to live their dream life like this any...

"Come grocery shopping with me." Victor's sudden words out of the blue just crashed your whole train of thought, completely stripping you of your ability to phrase out a simple sentence.


"Do I need to repeat myself?"

"Yes, please."

"We can go grocery shopping tonight if you have the time."

"Uhhh..." You tried to remember how many packets of instant noodles were left in your cupboard or how many eggs were still edible since the last time you went grocery shopping many weeks ago?

"I'll take that as a yes," Victor said as the elevator door opened and he stepped out. "If you looking blankly at me like an idiot says anything."


Life could not be better when Victor is dressed in an oversized sweater, sweatpants and glasses, scanning a heap of potatoes to find a good one.

How do you even judge if a potato is good, anyway? Surely enough if a potato has no sprouts it is still edible, right? But noooo, Victor insists on having the right potatoes to make fucking curry for his dinner sometime later this week, which meant that you would either have to die of boredom waiting for him...or you could roam freely throughout the grocery store and grab every single flavour of samyang noodles you can find.

You stole two glances at Victor to make sure he wasn't looking at you before slipping off and running towards the shelves where all the instant ramen was. Anyone would know that it wasn't healthy to eat a pack of instant noodles every day for 365 days (366 days on leaps years), but there's nothing a broke student can do to solve that problem, not especially when no one wants to hire them at this time of the year.

What flavour do I want...

"You're quite sneaky, aren't you?"

"Shut up, Victor."

You grabbed a large pack of carbo-flavoured ramen and turned just in time to see Victor blink twice at you before wrestling the ramen out of your hand and putting it back on the shelf.

"Gimme back my ramen!" You screamed as he dragged you away from the shelves, almost as if you could hear the ramen noodles crying for you to put them into your trolley.

"No. Why do you even eat such unhealthy stuff."

"Not everyone can afford to have proper meals like you," you said with a huff, stomping back and grabbing the pack of instant noodles, clutching it in your arms.


Somehow that came out way more hurtful than it should have or intended to, and by the looks on Victor's face, he's not very pleased with it.

"I'm sorry that came out way harsher than I expected."

"You should've told me sooner."

"What difference would it have made, anyway?"

'I'll cook for you," he said while taking the instant noodles away once again, putting it back onto the shelf again before returning to your side. "Just don't eat those ever again."

"Do I get to decide what to have for lunch tomorrow?"You asked while tugging at Victor's sleeve as he pushed the trolley into the pasta aisle, which to your surprise he didn't even try to shrug you off.

"No." Victor stopped before a shelf full of the most random assortment of pasta and began looking for whatever he was looking for.

But honestly, since when did they sell this many types of pasta. It might just be the fact that you don't really bother with choosing anything other than macaroni or linguine, but this was just mind-boggling. Like what the fuck even is a cavatelli and who needs it when you have macaroni.

"Go get me a can of marinara."


"At least then you wouldn't look like a dummy standing there doing nothing."

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