Halloween Date

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Disclaimer: mentions of juicy asses, male infertility and groping of asses. Proceed with necessary caution.

You know what the adults always say: Halloween is only fun when you are a kid. And after giving it some thought, as much as you would hate to admit it, it is true. Adults do not get to dress up in fun costumes, nor do they get to walk around the neighbourhood filling up paper bags or plastic jack-o-lantern buckets with candy, nor do they get to hurl slime at the Karen down the street who is filming children, claiming they are "worshippers of Satan".

No, one of the saddest truth one realises when they are an adult is how boring Halloween can be. Not to mention how much it costs in the first place. From decorating the house with dollar-store-quality decorations, haphazardly put together in a poor effort to make it seem like you actually cared, to spending money on bags of candy just to shoo the kids away, to having to buy a costume or at least a mask because that was the unspoken rule. For something that only happened one day every year, Halloween was just too much and too costly for you to handle.

The good thing is, you are not covering the costs nor are you on any form of candy-giving duty.

You rummaged through the cupboard and pulled out a family-sized pack of potato chips, the honey butter ones, of course, ripping it open before emptying its contents into a big bowl. At least while Victor is giving out the candy, you can devote the entire night to rewatching Studio Ghibli movies because who does not like to spend their Halloween on the couch, curled up in a blanket while crying their eyes out over a child who died because of their bitch of an aunt.

It was funny how Victor, of all people, would agree to hand out candies to the children who came knocking. You would think that the oh-so cold and stoic and heartless Victor Li would refuse to spend his precious time on such a tedious and ridiculous task, saying that he had more important tasks on hand like replying to emails (as if that was not tedious and ridiculous). But no, if there was one thing you knew about Victor, it was how much he loved children (not in a paedophile sort of way). Victor would rather spend his whole day talking to kids than talking to his employees, claiming that kids can sometimes be smarter than even Goldman himself. He would spend the entire afternoon playing with them, making weird faces and all. Talking about kids would make Victor sound soft and gentle and the corners of his eyes would crinkle slightly.

Like the big softie he is. He should have just dressed up in a teddy bear costume instead.

"Dummy, those chips are for the kids."

"Not anymo-"

You gaped at Victor walking casually into the kitchen, the empty bag of chips slipping from your hand and falling onto the kitchen countertop. The baggy white long-sleeved shirt with the top button undone and collar pulled up, loosely tucked into the black slacks that made Victor's ass look even juicier. The scarlet and grey diamond checkered suit that he draped across his shoulders. The blue crystal pendant that dangled on his neck, glimmering in the light with every step that he took. The green crystal clip-ons that he had on both his ears. Victor had never worn earrings but after today, you would convince him to get piercings and buy him all the earrings that he deserved to have.

He kept his black hair. Victor was not wearing a wig, but he looked just as hot in his usual black hair, although a part of you was curious to see what he looked like with long, blonde hair. And what was it with those slacks? They did not even look that tight on Victor when he wore them last week. Victor's plump butt looked just about right for some spanking in those slacks and if he did not have responsibilities on him right then, you might have just picked him up, bent him over the counter and taught him a lesson or two for trying to seduce you. The audacity of this man.

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