Fried Chicken

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"I'm starting to question your will to live the moment you dragged me out of bed just to get fried chicken." Victor rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, putting on a random t-shirt his hand landed on: he had nice abs but he wouldn't want a random stranger to see him walking around without a shirt.

"But I'm hungry! Plus it's the large boneless one with crispy skin and chilli powder!" You pushed Victor out of the room and towards the door, grabbing your wallet and a cap to hide your birdnest of a hair.

"The one from that Taiwanese shop?"

"Yup, that one!" You drooled at the thought of sinking his teeth into the crunchy, juicy chicken, ignoring the scowl on Victor's face.

"I can make better fried chicken than that old man," Victor said as he adjusted the lower hem of his shirt, finding that it was slightly smaller than what he was normally used to.

Your eyes widened at Victor's harsh comments, angrily jabbing at his arm for insulting your favourite fried chicken. Is Victor being serious? His fried chicken is not even half, a quarter, even, as good as that one. Instead of being battered with bread crumbs which made it crunchy and light, Victor's was soggy and dry, and it doesn't even have chilli powder.

"How dare you! Your fried chicken tastes like cardboard!"

The elevator door opened and you both stepped in at the same time, but you weren't going to allow Victor to get away with it.

"Get in." He tilted his head towards the elevator, motioning for you to go in.

" You get in." Crossing your arms across your chest, you decided to stoke Victor's flames. Your gaze landed on Victor's finger tapping impatiently on the bulging muscles of his arm with every second that you wasted.


"Do you have to be such a pain in the ass?"

"Judging by how you moaned last night, I assume I am."

A sly grin formed on Victor's face as he relished in the sheer horror and disbelief plastered onto your face. You could feel the tips of your ears start to burn and redden as you turned away and silently walked into the elevator.

"I'll let you have this one..." You grumbled under his breath, making Victor chuckle and follow closely behind you, taking the empty spot beside you.

Victor's hand reached out and tangled his fingers with yours, rubbing his thumb over the bumps of your knuckles.

"I don't remember giving you permission to wear my shirt," you said as you inched closer to lean your head on his shoulder. "But you look cute in it so I'll let it pass." Although the shirt was a bit on the smaller side since Victor is just a bit bigger than you, it looked really nice on him.

Victor frowned at the squiggly line of rainbow that ran across his sleeve and chest (if it could even be considered a rainbow since it only had like 4 colours: an ugly purplish-pink, sapphire blue, mouldy green and a mustard yellow).

You could tell that he's starting to question your taste in clothing.


Victor watched in disgust as you chomped on a piece of fried chicken, creating a red and silver flare of chilli powder and pepper drifting under the flickering lights from the stall. Some of it landed on his hair but you were sure he didn't even notice since the only thing he has done was glare at you with a scowl on his face.

However, the longer he stared at you devouring the pieces of fried chicken, the intoxicating yet tantalizing smell of the fried chicken clawed its way into his nose and mouth, making him gulp as you reached for another piece.

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