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Are you not gonna pet her?



I don't like cats, you dummy.

But look at Lollipop, just look at her face...

She looks as dumb as you do. Now take her away.

You lifted Lollipop up by her front limbs, carrying her next door where Victor lives. The second you lifted her up she began to hiss and squirm, yet you just told her to shut up, which she does and gives you an annoyed look.

It was the middle of April and your sister was going to get married. Being the dumbass you are, you have forgotten all about it until 3 days ago when your mother called you to remind you that you have to be back by tomorrow.

Kiki was also busy studying for her tests and you didn't want to bother her.

Anna wasn't an option either since she literally has 2 dogs that would kill Lollipop the moment they see her. She's also a really dumb cat so she won't be doing anything but pee on the spot.

And Goldman? You never trusted him ever since he 'accidentally' stepped on the grasshopper you found in the backyard, and that was like 10 years ago.

That leaves only one person left to do your pet-sitting.

Also, he lives just next door, so he could just go into your apartment and get whatever you forgot to give him.

Resting Lollipop down on the floor, you knocked on his door twice, waiting for Victor to open it with a scowl on his face. Lollipop started wandering off, but luckily you were quick to react and dragged her back.

It didn't even take Victor 10 seconds to open the door, which was surprising since he normally takes a very long time answering doors because he 'was doing something important'.


"I need you to take care of Lollipop."

Confusion and shock plastered across his face followed almost immediately by a look of disgust when his gaze turned to the cat on the floor.


"I know...but I've gotta attend a wedding and I'm leaving for a couple of days."

"You know I hate pets."

"Yes, but look at her!" You picked Lollipop up and stuffed her into Victor's face, which he wanted to slap away but noticed that it wasn't your hand so he ducked instead.

"As I said, she looks as dumb as you do. Now take her and leave."

"But Victor..."

"No." Victor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, staring at the cat which did nothing but glare at him with thin eyes.

"Ok then..." You pulled Lollipop into a hug and pressed kisses onto her head. "Oh, poor baby, who's gonna feed you when I'm gone? You'll be all alone, starving, with no one to clean your litter tray..."

You turned back to look at Victor, pouting and looking sad to make him feel guilty. "All because someone doesn't want to take care of you."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing." You chirped and inched closer towards Victor, tiptoeing so you were almost the same height as him. "Just wondering what would happen if you didn't have my brownies or pudding to live past the weekdays..."

Victor clenched his teeth, looking a bit riled up: the best part is, you had just only started. There is a list of things that Victor Li would have no choice but to accept from you, despite how much he says he doesn't like them. Because deep down, he likes almost everything you make.

"And what about the Macadamia chocolate chip cookie? It's a shame that I've even bought the ingredients for them. I just don't know who to make them for... maybe Kiki..."

Victor reached out his arms and took Lollipop from your hands, clutching her close to his chest as she snuggled into his warmth. Sighing as he glared at you, eyes full of regret, Victor tickled Lollipop's tummy and finally responded.

"When are you coming back?"

"Three days at most."

"Don't take too long. She might just be mine by then."


Turns out the wedding ended sooner than expected, and you were able to catch the train the next morning. Two days isn't too bad, is it?

Dragging your bulging suitcase into the elevator, you bounced in excitement at the thought of seeing Lollipop again, seeing her move about lazily and stare at you with that dumb face of hers.

But there was someone more important than her (sadly).

Your grasp around the brown paper bag tightened, gently shaking the bag to make sure its contents did not just magically disappear.

Before you even went back to your apartment to drop your luggage, you decided to pay a visit to Lollipop's saviour, since you were sure that both of them missed you.

You knocked on the door twice.

And waited.

And waited.

No response?

Where's Victor?

Turning the doorknob, you realised that the door was unlocked. And even though you considered it to be rude, you decided to just go in anyway since you had known for the past few months: he doesn't really care if it's you.


Stepping into the living room, you noticed Victor lying down on the couch, hugging a pillow while Lollipop curled up on his stomach, also asleep. You chuckled at the sheer cuteness of this scene, taking pictures to post on his birthday along with some other ugly pictures you have of him.

The room was barely lit save for the faint orange glow from the standing lamp in the corner of the room. It was exactly the same as any other day, the only difference being that there's cat fur all over the floor, on the couch, on Victor's sweater: everywhere, basically.

Victor grumbled and turned slightly, letting the light spread across the elegant features of his face like warm, golden honey drizzled onto a slice of pale, crusty toast.

You inched closer towards the duo, not realising that you had a smile hanging on your lips the moment you set foot into Victor's apartment.

Bending down to almost an inch away from Victor's face, you brushed away the strands of hair that dangled loosely over his eyes, revealing his rarely-seen eyebrows and forehead. You traced your finger down his cheek, fully absorbed in the pure softness and sharpness of it.

And with an irresistible impulse, you pinched at his cheek, chuckling at how cute he looks when he tried to fight back in his sleep.

"Can't believe a tsundere dummy like you can be so..."

You tried to think of the right adjective to describe him, finally settling for something that Victor would truly resent you for.

"So cute..."

"Who, me?"

You jumped in shock as Victor's eyes slowly opened, glaring at you with his deep, wine-coloured eyes. His lips tugged into a smirk, spelling your death the moment you gets up from the couch.

"I...uh...I'll be leaving." You chuckled nervously as you picked up Lollipop, careful not to wake her up. "Bye~~"

"You can tell me that, you know?" Victor heaved himself up from the couch, standing and wrapping his arms around you, squishing Lollipop between both of you.

He leaned down next to your ears, his breath sending shivers down your spine despite it being warm and welcoming.

"I missed you, dummy."

Burying your face into his shoulder, you deeply inhaled the faint scent of his honey and mandarin oranges flavoured shampoo mixed with some expensive detergent.

"Me too."

Home never smelled more like fresh laundry and orange cakes. 

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