Family visit pt 2 (Female ver)

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"I can't believe someone is willing to date my sister," your annoying ass of a little brother said as he reluctantly collected his dishes and dumped them into the sink.

After the awkward introduction between your mother and Victor, she decided that it would be best if he could stay for dinner so they can have a chat with him. 'Chat' wasn't the best way to describe it either since, let's be real, Asian parents just love to get involved with who their child is dating. From your past experience, this would seem more of an interrogation than anything else.

That's what you think, at least.

But props to Victor for staying as calm as he possibly could and being a good actor.

Do you know what's not fine? Your father constantly asking Victor to drink the soju he brought over because, well, all men should know how to drink.

You watched as Victor raised the glass to his lips for the sixth time tonight (yes, you have been counting), chugging it down as if it were just a tiny glass of juice.

Your hand reached down under the table of its own accord, giving Victor's hand a tight squeeze as he continued his conversation with your parents.

"So you've met Y/N for only 8 months and you're already dating?" Your father asked as he refilled Victor's glass before he could even reject it. You gave Victor's hand another squeeze and turned to look at him. His face started to redden just a little bit from all the alcohol although you knew very well that there was more to come.


"Don't you think that's too quick? Y/N's mother and I knew each other for 2 years before dating. I know my daughter is quite...hasty with her relationships but still, 8 months?"

Turns out your father just thought that it was a great opportunity to expose you, how fun.

Victor turned to look at you and blinked twice (which was cute but that's not the point) before you gave him a shrug.

"I am taking good care of Y/N."

"I mean that's great." Your mother was the one to speak up this time, looking towards your father for confirmation, which she received in the form of a nod. "But don't you think that you are rushing this relationship?"

"Mom, are you trying to blame it on Victor?"

"Well, I would expect that he was the one that suggested getting into a relationship."

"And she's right," Victor said as he finished his glass of soju, setting it down closer towards him to prevent your father from refilling it. He failed. "I did."

"Y/N has dated other guys in the past," your father said as he filled Victor's shot glass to the brim with soju. "Those relationships didn't last long. Do you know why?"

"Dad can you not?" Your cheeks flared at the sudden mention of your history of relationships. The grasp on Victor's hand tightened as you tried to calm yourself down.

"I don't think it is in my position to know, Y/N's dad."

"Oh but you absolutely are," your mother chipped in, making you groan internally. "After all, you are dating my daughter."

"Y/N can decide for herself when and whether or not to tell me. I'm-"

Victor was interrupted by a buzzing from his phone. "Excuse me for a while," Victor said silently as he fished his phone out and excused himself to pick up a call.

That left the three of you at the table since your brother had vanished. You felt the urge to confront your parents about their rudeness and harshness towards Victor but in the end, decided to just stay silent. They would surely have something up their sleeves to justify their actions, anyway.

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