A Tale of condoms, eggplants and underwear

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Victor had never been into shopping, unless if he was buying ingredients for a special dinner with you, of course. But other than that, he could not recall the last time he went shopping without grumbling at least once or thought that it was a waste of his precious time. He had work to do...like lecturing his employees or...or replying to non-existent emails from some very important business partner from that hard-to-pronounce country. Yes, shopping was definitely a waste of his time because he had so much on his hand that he could not even spare 3 hours on shopping. In fact, he could feel Goldman breaking down into a nervous wreck due to the lack of Victor's much-needed guidance.

He did not have work to do, did he?

Alas, he should have known better than to dread such a sacred activity, especially when the festive season is right around the corner. Despite not being religious in the first place, Victor felt a sense of obligation to celebrate Christmas with you, not because he felt festive and cheerful, but simply because he likes making his dummy happy with lots of gifts. He even went out of his way to buy an advent calendar, which was not cheap. Those were still trendy, right? Victor was never into all that childish things, but he had always seen you stare at them for longer than 2 seconds every time both of you went to a mall on Christmas.

At least he was shopping alone, that way he would not get dragged into another one of those dumb perfume stores again or be forced to try on cotton candy lip balm. As an added bonus, he got to keep whatever he was buying a secret.

But then came the problem which he had spent months thinking about. Sure, he knew that you were quite the easily satisfied, simple-minded creature, but no matter how much of an idiot of a dummy you were, he still had trouble figuring out the best gift. The stupid advent calendar multiplied that trouble by 25 times and Victor could feel the sweat tumbling down the side of his face as he grabbed a shopping cart and pushed it through the automatic sliding glass door.

Victor grumbled. Maybe he should have been more excited about Christmas back when he was a child and when his parents were enthusiastic about it. His grip on the shopping cart tightened, his knuckles white as soon as his most hated Christmas song blared from the speakers and he was certain that more than half the population despised that song as well. For once, he would not be labelled as a grumpy old man because of a stupid song about his mother kissing a random man who only appeared once a year. His parents had a great marriage and his mother was not interested in pot-bellied men with big white beards, thank you very much.

Then a thought came to his head. Victor smirked to himself as he grabbed a box of wine condoms and tossed it into the shopping cart. There was a bottle of wine that he had been dying to try and the wine condoms would surely come in handy. Plus, you can both share the gifts, Victor thought to himself. But knowing how much of an idiot you are, you would most probably mistake it for an actual condom or take it as a double entendre.

Which, by the way, he did not object but he had more important tasks at hand, such as picking out another 24 gifts. He was sure that things would only get harder by the minute.

Victor walked passed the sex store, knowing he would randomly grab 24 items from the shelves and shove them into his shopping cart. No, he was dedicated to picking at least half-decent items for the advent calendar.

He tossed a box of chocolates into the cart.

Victor hummed along to the tune of "All I Want for Christmas Is You" as it started playing on the speakers, pushing the cart with a spring in his step as he walked over to the clothing session, hoping to find something that would work.

Apparently, he was too focused on staring at the eggplants, which looked oddly delicious, that he bumped into someone for the first time in his life. Victor grumbled, an apology barely escaping his mouth before he looked up and glared at the offender.

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