Chapter 3

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Felix had brought a crying Athanasia.
"W-where is Lady Rivia!?" Ces asked as the others tried to calm Athanasia down, but how can she. Her ass of a father didn't give her future wife back!

"His majesty has decided to keep Lady Rivia for awhile at his palace to fix her left arm up" Felix said, feeling bad about the crying princess.

"His majesty said that Y/n will be better by the time he visits next time" Felix said hopping that will cheer Athanasia up a little. But she just ended up puking.


Y/n just sat on the chair as the doctor measured the side of her missing arm.
Claude just watched.
He did have to admit that this young girl, who he had mistaken for a boy, was very interesting.

The doctor pulled away and cleared his throat.
"I will give the meserments to the carpenter, you will get the results by tomorrow evening" The doctor said, while keeping his head down.

Claude humms and glances over to Y/n who was swaying her feet back and forth while humming a song.
"You may leave" was all Claude said. The doctor left quickly.

Y/n watched the man leave and looked back to Claude.
"D-does that mean I can go to Athy now?"
She questioned. Claude didn't say anything, he just stared at her.

Y/n felt uncomfortable, but since this man was Athanasia's father she will be as respectful as she can be.
"Why are you in men's clothing?"
Claude asked. And without hesitation Y/n answered.
"Because dresses make it hard for me to run away. . . Sir" She said it like it was the most normal thing.

"Oh? And who are you trying to run away from?" Claude asked. And like before, she answered quickly.


The two look and see Felix.
Felix had accidentally dropped a bunch of dresses that he thought would look good on the young girl. But when he entered he heard Y/n say 'Pedophiles' and he was beyond shocked.

Y/n smiles brightly
"Hello Sir Felix! Was Athy brought home safely?"
Claude watched how the young girl quickly changed the subject like she did not just say something that actually made Claude very uncomfortable and a tad worried.

"So, can I go back home now?"
Y/n asked looking up to Felix and Claude for an answer.
"Ah, well you see Lady-"

"No, not yet. Your new arm hasn't come in yet" Claude said, cutting Felix off.
Y/n tilted her head in confusion
"New arm? How do I get a new arm. Will it grow back" she asked as she looked to her left a̶r̶m̶. Claude almost laughed, but held it in. This was very fun.

"Yes, it will grow back in 5 more days."
Claude said. Filex just looked at Claude in disbelief, and felt saddened at the lie.
Because the arm will never grow back.

Filex gazed at the young girls left arm that was cut off. It looked like the arm was cut off slowly and horribly. Meaning the child must have felt the pain through and through. Yet she is smiling like nothing is wrong.

Y/n's eyes lit up
"Really! Just in five days! Thank you,
Mr. Papa!" Y/n said. She was happy to get a new arm. She gets to show it off to Athanasia too!

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