LP version chap.

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Thought putting in the LP version might be fun to play with. And it was
Enjoy 🥰

Lily was walking out to the water fountain to look for Athanasia's little duck toy.

Athy seems to always forget her bath toys at the fountain.

Thankfully Lily got to the fountain before the other maids could. The others seem to always throw away Athanasia's toys.

Lily picked the duck toy out from the water with a small fond smile on her lips. The smile faded as she heard rustling from the bushes. She stared at the bush for a moment before brushing it off as a stray cat.

That is until she heard small sounds of crying.

She stopped in her tacks and slowly turned her head twords the crying. Her mind went into a panic. It couldn't be Athy, Athanasia's small legs couldn't possibly get from the room to all the way down here. So, was it a maid or something?

Lily slowly maid her way to the bush. Prepared for what ever might be in the bushes.

What she didn't expect was a banged up, dirty, little child on the ground!

She felt her heart practically drop when she saw the girl. Sobbing silently. Lily knew that what she is supposed to do, is to run and tell the guards that there is an intruder.
But that's not what she wanted to do. Instead. She was able to pick the child up and carry her into her room without others noticing.

Lily patched the girls wounds up. Cleaned as much blood and dirt as she could. The process was slightly slow since she was doing this on her own.

"I'm sorry little one. But I need to leave
Stay here until I come back." Lily whispered.

The young girl in Lily's bed couldn't move anyway. Too tired from the pain to even lift her arm.

So she did what anyone else would do when they were in a intense amount of pain.


"Good night my princess." Lily said as she kissed the blonde child goodnight.

"Night night. . . *yawn* Lily" the smaller said as she fell asleep. Lily smiled fondly down at the small princess.

Her mind went into a quick panic when she remembered the other child in her chambers. Lily quickly made her way to her room. Without looking in too much of a rush, not wanting to draw unwanted attention.

Lily slowly opend the door and closed it. The room was dark, due to her not lighting up a candle yet.

But once her eyes got used to the dark. She could see some sorce of light coming from an open window.

There, she saw the young child she had taken in, staring longingly at the moon.

"Uh- Hello?" Lily spoke nervously.

The girl shaped her head twords Lily and stared at the maid intensely.
Blue eyes meeting sharp e/c ones.

The two stared at each other silently. The other seemingly challenging the other to speak now or just leave.

Foolish Love [Fem!Reader X Athanasia]Where stories live. Discover now