Chapter 9

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When Y/n had return. She looked rather tired. But smiled when she saw Claude waiting for her by the gates. Along with Felix. She didn't question why Athanasia wasn't present. Since it was already pass midnight.

Y/n jogged twords the two and hugged Claude. Claude lifted Y/n up in his arms.
"How was your exam." Claude spoke as he started to walk with Felix following behind. He was taking Y/n to the Sapphire palace, that was close to the Emerald Palace where Athanasia is in.

Y/n hummed
"I'll tell you later *yawn* I wanna go sleep." Y/n snuggled her cheek onto Claude shoulder
"Hey, Mr. Papa, can I have friends?"
Y/n spoke, sounding like she was half awake. Bearly holding onto consciousness
"You have Athanasia." Said Claude.
Y/n let out a soft whine and sighed, she looked up slightly to see Felix.

The two of them make eye contact.
A little  note slipped out of Y/n's sleeve. She caught it and then tossed it to Felix without Claude noticing.
She put her index finger on her lips and then smiled.

Felix was taken aback but then nods and put the note in his pocket for him to check later.


Athanasia thought what she was seeing was completely outrageous!
She looked ready to be put in jail just for this ungodly sight to come to a stop

"Your hair is really soft."

"Thanks. I like your ribbon. Where did you get it? Looks cute"

"Oh, from a friend."

Right now, Lucas and Y/n were playing and having a nice and small conversation. Lucas was of course doing this on purpose but he actually started to come become amused by Y/n.
Her mama was something he hasn't seen in years. And he sees that from the exams Y/n has grown stronger.

And he likes how Athanasia is clearly jealous. This was very fun for him.

"N/n~ can I play with you too?"
Athanasia asked cutely
Y/n smiled and nods
"Yeah, me and Lucas were just about to go out. I think I saw Raven running around through the window a minute ago" said Y/n.


Claude watched the three kids play from afar. Felix and Lady Zaroff behind him.
"She has all elements now?" Claude asked, not turning away from the kids.
"Yes, she has all elements. But I must warn you your majesty, she has not passed the exam yet" said Zaroff. Those words made Claude turn away from the kids and look back to Zaroff.
"What do you mean?"
Claude asked, clearly conflicted by the women's words.

Lady Zaroff smiled
"Their is one part of the exam that happens naturally with the girls that participate"
Files kept his eye on Zaroff. Something about he was unsettling, yes she was indeed beautiful, but her beauty was what had made him feel uncomfortable.

"It is said, that every Blue Jay must sacrifice the one thing they love dearly.
With that they will become a true Blue Jay" Zaroff said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

This took the two males by surprise.
"Of course she has a choice to do so" said Zaroff
"You said this happens naturally to the girls. Does this mean that she will sacrifice what she loves either way."
Claude spoke. Zaroff chuckled
"Yes, your right. But she has a choice of what exactly she loves. You know people love more than on thing."
Zaroff said playfully.
Claude sighed, tied of this women's playfulness and just wanted to go to sleep, but he had a lot of paper work to do.


Filex sighed, having a long day and was able to rest. He took out the drawing you made for him, be smiled as he saw the incorrect way you spelled his name. The drawing was messy and imperfect, yet perfect to him.

He than remembered about the letter you have him early this morning, he took the note out  and unfolded it.
The note read

I have to sacrifice more then one


"Bruno, why don't you take a nap. I can handle the ship for the night."
A man spoke, his voice was smooth and kind.

A boy with purple eyes that seemed bright and dark at the same time, turned his head to his uncle
"No, what if I'm asleep and we pass a place that I could scenes her from?"

"Come now. We can just stop here and rest-" the man was cut off
"Why are you acting so calm!? It's been nearly a year since she has gone missing and you are just drinking your stupid green tea!" Bruno shouted in anger.
But his uncle was unphased by the sudden burst of anger.

". . . It's, actually mint tea. Not green tea my boy."

". . . . "

". . . . "

"Get out"

"Ok, that fair"

The man let the boy be in an awkward attempt of opening the door.
Bruno sighed and held his head in his hand.
Suddenly Bruno heard a voice
He jumped up and looked around the room. It was empty, only him in side of the room.

He heard the voice again, this time it was louder. It was so sudden that it made him trip and fall
"Shit-" when he fell he had taken his paper work down with him, making a lot of noise.

Bruno cursed under his breath as he stood up. He started to pick up some of the paper work, but when  he was doing so. He came upon one file that he didn't get too yet.
Curious, he set the other papers aside and picked the folder up

He opened it up and is greeted by a list of names. Three of those names were colored red.
he flipped through the folder more, just to find old photos of his younger sister, in every picture that had more then one person in there, everyone but Y/n's face would be scratched out. Their whole body was scratched as well.

A chill ran down the boy 𝕄𝕁s spin.
This started to lead him to the conclusion, what if someone took
Y/n? What if she didn't run away.
His thoughts became more concerning.


Little side scene

"Hey Lucas, can I braid your hair?"
Y/n asked. Lucas tilted his head, he was about to say no until he saw Athanasia giving him a stank eye.
He smirked and smiled at Y/n sweetly
"Of course!"

An irk mark appeared on Athanasia's head.

An hour later

Y/n bursted into Claude's office with Athanasia and Lucas behind her. Both of them with their hair all fixed and Prettyfied.
Claude looked up with a deadpand look, already knowing it's Y/n, just not ready for the bullshit she will give him today.
Y/n had grin on her face

"Y/n. . . What do you want"
He asked with a deep sigh.
Y/n took out a hair brush

A chill ran down both Filex and Claude's spin.

After that Y/n came to like styling hair. Men's hair mostly.

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